What Would Your User Manual Say About You? | MM EP52 | RedPandas Digital
What Would Your User Manual Say About You

What Would Your User Manual Say About You? | MM EP52

In this episode Linda and Tasha debate weather or not a personal ‘user manual’ is something you should consider when applying for your next job. The pros and cons, and is this just another name for your resume? Using key communication skills Linda argues one does not need a user manual – on the flip side Tasha sees merit for a personal user manual in many aspects of life not just professional. Have a listen and see what you think!

In this episode Linda and Tasha debate weather or not a personal ‘user manual’ is something you should consider when applying for your next job. The pros and cons, and is this just another name for your resume? Using key communication skills Linda argues one does not need a user manual – on the flip side Tasha sees merit for a personal user manual in many aspects of life not just professional. Have a listen and see what you think!

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