What Is Evergreen Content and Why It’s Essential for Your Marketing Strategy  | RedPandas Digital
What Is Evergreen Content and Why It’s Essential for Your Marketing Strategy 

What Is Evergreen Content and Why It’s Essential for Your Marketing Strategy 

You’ve just published a blog post, spent time promoting it across social media, and enjoyed a spike in traffic. But a week later? Crickets. The traffic dies down, and it feels like all that effort was for a brief moment of success. Sound familiar?

You’ve just published a blog post, spent time promoting it across social media, and enjoyed a spike in traffic. But a week later? Crickets. The traffic dies down, and it feels like all that effort was for a brief moment of success. Sound familiar? 

Most content has an expiration date.  

Trends change, interest wanes, and your once-relevant post fades into obscurity.  

But what if I told you there’s a way to create content that keeps delivering results long after you hit “publish”?  

That’s where evergreen content comes in—a powerful, often underused strategy that’s especially crucial in 2025 and beyond, when getting more value out of your content will be the key to success. 

As a content marketer with years of experience, I’ve seen businesses exhaust themselves in the constant chase of producing fresh, trendy content.  

But those who adopt evergreen content into their strategies see a different outcome: sustained traffic, improved SEO rankings, and, ultimately, increased revenue. 

In this article, you’ll learn exactly what evergreen content is, why it’s a must for your marketing strategy, and how you can start building a library of content that works for you year-round. 

What is Evergreen Content? 

meme about evergreen content

Evergreen content refers to content that remains relevant and valuable to readers long after it’s published. Unlike trending or time-sensitive content, which can quickly become outdated, evergreen content is designed to stand the test of time.  

It’s the kind of information that your audience will continue searching for weeks, months, or even years from now. 

Think of it like this: just as an evergreen tree stays green all year round, evergreen content continues to attract traffic and engage readers consistently, regardless of the season or shifts in market trends. 

Examples of Evergreen Content 

To give you a clearer idea, here are some examples of evergreen content types that work across different industries: 

  • How-to Guides: Step-by-step guides that solve a problem or explain a process tend to stay relevant. For example, “How to Start a Blog” or “How to Improve Your SEO” are topics that rarely go out of style 
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): These are helpful for answering common queries your audience will consistently have, such as “What is Digital Marketing?” or “How Does Social Media Advertising Work?” 
  • Ultimate Guides: In-depth resources like “The Complete Guide to Email Marketing” provide timeless value because they cover foundational topics thoroughly 
  • Checklists and Tutorials: Practical resources, like a “Small Business Launch Checklist,” are evergreen because they cater to essential, ongoing needs 

On the flip side, topics like breaking news, trend reports, or posts centred around seasonal events aren’t evergreen—they may generate a lot of traffic initially but will fade as soon as interest in the subject wanes. 

Why Evergreen Content Is Essential For Your 2025 Marketing Strategy 

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With more businesses investing in content marketing, standing out requires more than just keeping up with the latest trends—you need a strategy that offers lasting value.  

That’s exactly where evergreen content comes into play.  

Here’s why it’s crucial for your marketing strategy: 

Consistent Traffic Over Time Evergreen content drives continuous traffic. Unlike time-sensitive posts, it remains relevant, forming the backbone of your website and consistently attracting new readers with minimal effort. 
SEO Benefits  Search engines favour evergreen content. By targeting long-term keywords, it ranks higher in SERPs, gaining authority through consistent traffic, backlinks, and engagement, which boosts overall SEO. 
Cost Efficiency  Evergreen content is a smart investment, offering a high return on investment (ROI) over time. It reduces the need for constantly creating new content, saving both time and resources. Small updates keep it current without much effort. 
Builds Authority and Trust  Comprehensive evergreen content helps answer key audience questions, positioning your brand as an industry authority. This builds credibility and encourages customer loyalty over time. 
Adaptable to Changing Trends  Although timeless, evergreen content can be updated to reflect new trends and tools. For example, a guide can be refreshed to include the latest practices, keeping the content relevant and useful for longer. 

Evergreen content provides long-lasting benefits, from driving consistent traffic to enhancing your SEO and saving you time and resources. By including evergreen pieces in your 2025 content strategy, you’re setting your brand up for sustainable growth and ongoing success. 

How to Create Evergreen Content That Stays Relevant 

Creating evergreen content might sound simple—just focus on timeless topics, right? But there’s more to it.  

To ensure your evergreen content continues to attract and engage your audience over the years, you need to follow some key strategies.  

Here’s how to craft evergreen content that stays relevant and valuable long into the future. 

1. Focus on Timeless Topics 

The first rule of evergreen content is choosing topics that don’t become obsolete.  

Your content should address fundamental issues or answer questions that people will continue to search for over time.  

For example, a post titled “How to Set Up a Small Business Budget” will likely remain relevant, while a post like “Top Social Media Trends of 2023” will quickly lose its value.  

Focus on “evergreen” questions your audience consistently asks, such as “What Is SEO?” or “How to Improve Productivity.” 

2. Prioritise Quality Over Quantity 

Evergreen content is not just about writing quickly and often; it’s about delivering well-researched, high-quality information that stands the test of time. Take the time to create comprehensive, in-depth guides or articles that offer real value.  

When readers find a resource they can rely on, they’re more likely to bookmark it, share it, and return to it in the future. 

And at the end of the day, Google favours high quality content so you’re going to win from an SEO perspective as well.  

3. Optimise for SEO 

Even the best evergreen content needs a strong SEO foundation to ensure it reaches your audience. Conduct keyword research to find the terms people will continue to search for over time.  

Keywords are important because they help Google show your blog article to your buyers when they search for the relevant keyword. It’s like the librarian (SEO) is looking for a specific book in a specific aisle, and the visitor’s query (or in this case keyword search) is what tells the librarian which aisle and which shelf to look on.    

Keyword research is about finding keywords that have search volume (as in, users are searching for it), and that have a lower competition level. You want to make sure that people are searching for that term, but that you also have somewhat of a chance to compete for that term.    

This can take quite a bit of skill to master because there are more factors that go into this than just search volume and competition, making it a little more complex than it might seem at first sight. For example, keyword relevancy is another important factor (more important than competition) which you have to consider.   

Once you find your keyword/s, you can use that information to create articles around that phrase. For example, if you discover that ‘What is HubSpot?” is a high-volume keyword with medium competition, you may produce an article answering that question. Then, it’s just about using that keyword appropriately in your article.  

Here are some strategies to identify keyword opportunities:  

Leveraging Tools   

Leveraging tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or Ubersuggest can provide insight into the popular keywords related to your blog topic. They offer data on search volume (how often a term is searched), keyword difficulty (competition to rank for that keyword), and more.  

Using Google Search   

Ask yourself, if I were looking for information on this topic, what would I type? Type that out in Google and have a look at the “people also ask” section. These are the keywords you want to focus on. 

search page result for 'what is hubspot?

Then, look at the articles that show up on the first page of Google. Look out specifically for what content these articles include.   

These are some of the articles you would look at if you were searching ‘What is HubSpot?’  

search page result for 'what is hubspot?

You’ll want to model your piece of content to match the overall theme that fits in with the articles that show up on the first page of Google. This is because Google is showing these articles as it thinks they are relevant to the search term that has been inputted.   

So, you want to also tell Google you’re relevant and should show up for this keyword, which you can do by producing content that matches the overall themes of these articles. It’s important to note that you can achieve this while still making your content unique. It isn’t about copying the content, but rather, copying the topic.   

When you write your article, you’ll want to make sure it’s SEO optimised.  

Read: How to Optimise Your Blog for SEO 

How to Optimise Your Blog for SEO

4. Keep It Updated 

While evergreen content is meant to be timeless, that doesn’t mean it never needs updating. Periodic updates can keep your content relevant and improve its SEO value.  

For instance, if you publish a guide on “The Best Tools for Email Marketing,” you might need to refresh it every year to include new tools or remove outdated ones.  

These small tweaks ensure that your content remains accurate and helpful, allowing you to maintain its evergreen nature without starting from scratch. It also signals to Google that your content is up to date, which can improve your rankings.  

5. Use a Mix of Content Types 

Evergreen content can take many forms, so don’t limit yourself to just blog posts.  

You can create evergreen videos, infographics, podcasts, or downloadable resources like checklists and templates. A tutorial video or a how-to infographic on a topic that won’t change over time can still be relevant years from now, just like a well-written article.  

The key is to ensure that the format serves the content and remains accessible and engaging. 

6. Balance Evergreen with Timely Content 

While evergreen content is essential, it’s important to maintain a balance between timeless content and more time-sensitive pieces.  

News, trends, and seasonal posts can still bring valuable short-term traffic and keep your content fresh.  

The trick is to combine both: use timely content to engage with current events and trends, while allowing your evergreen content to generate ongoing traffic. Together, they provide a well-rounded content strategy that serves both immediate needs and long-term goals. 

In fact, this is something we do in our podcast InboundBuzz, where we discuss news and trends during the first part of the episode and an evergreen topic in the second half of the video. 

So, What’s Next? 

By focusing on content that remains relevant over time, you’ll not only drive consistent traffic but also boost your SEO, save resources, and build lasting authority in your industry. 

Evergreen content offers long-term value because it solves timeless problems and answers core questions your audience will continue to have.  

Whether it’s how-to guides, ultimate resources, or frequently asked questions, this content can keep your brand visible and trustworthy for months, if not years. 

Incorporating evergreen pieces into your overall marketing plan—alongside timely, trend-based content—ensures you have a solid foundation of reliable traffic while staying fresh and current with your audience’s evolving needs. 

As you plan your content strategy for 2025, ask yourself: Are you creating content that will deliver value for years to come?  

If the answer is no, it’s time to start thinking evergreen.  

The investment you make today could become one of the most powerful and sustainable drivers of success for your business. 

Next, read our article on the best Content Marketing Strategy to drive traffic, leads and sales. 

Best Content Marketing Strategy to Generate Traffic, Leads and Sales Revenue

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