Why Should You Choose HubSpot for Your Business?  | RedPandas Digital
Why Should You Choose HubSpot for Your Business

Why Should You Choose HubSpot for Your Business? 

As a business owner or executive, you want to accelerate your business’s growth and take it to the next level. You want to increase your traffic, leads, and sales, and enable your marketing and sales teams to deliver their best results. For that, you need an all-in-one solution that streamlines, simplifies, and supercharges your efforts. That’s where HubSpot comes in. With over a decade of experience optimising HubSpot’s portals for our clients, and as trusted HubSpot Diamond Partners, we understand the transformative impact this platform can have on your business. 

As a business owner or executive, you want to accelerate your business’s growth and take it to the next level. You want to increase your traffic, leads, and sales, and enable your marketing and sales teams to deliver their best results. For that, you need an all-in-one solution that streamlines, simplifies, and supercharges your efforts. That’s where HubSpot comes in. With over a decade of experience optimising HubSpot’s portals for our clients, and as trusted HubSpot Diamond Partners, we understand the transformative impact this platform can have on your business. 

Every executive or business owner seeks efficiency, effectiveness, and growth. Increasing traffic, converting more leads, closing more deals, and enhancing your team’s performance are goals that propel your business forward. To achieve this, you need more than just a tool; you need a comprehensive solution that synchronises your marketing and sales endeavours while empowering your teams to excel.

As a company with over a decade of experience setting up and optimising HubSpot’s portals for various clients, we have seen firsthand how this platform can revolutionise a business.  

In this article, you’ll learn about how HubSpot could benefit your business. In particular, you will learn:  

What is HubSpot? 

HubSpot is an all-in-one Marketing, Sales and CRM powerhouse for your organisation’s activities. From a systems point of view, HubSpot has the following ‘hubs’:  

  • CRM and Sales tools, called ‘Sales Hub’.   
  • Marketing tools such as email tool, landing page tool, chat tool etc called ‘Marketing Hub’.  
  • After sales support, ticketing and knowledge base tools called ‘Service Hub’.  
  • Ability to build your website in HubSpot called ‘CMS Hub’.  
  • App connector, database clean and business process automation tools called ‘Operations Hub’.  

Hubs can be purchased on their own or in combination with each other.  

From an outcomes point of view, HubSpot, when setup correctly helps organisations:    

In saying this, HubSpot is not a golden bullet. It won’t magically fix your sales process, content marketing or lack of educating the buyer. With the right implementation it can allow you to be more efficient and effective, but you will still need to work on the fundamentals. 

Why Choose HubSpot? 

Automated marketing helps manage deals more effectively 

One of the most significant benefits of HubSpot is its automated marketing capabilities. Automated marketing based on user behaviour can help sales reps manage deals more effectively and thus close more often through effective nurturing.    

Automated marketing includes the ability to send strategically timed emails and SMS messages based on a prospect’s specific actions and behaviours. For example, if a previously inactive prospect suddenly visits your pricing page, HubSpot can automatically trigger an email to the prospect or alert your sales team. This intelligent automation removes the burden of routine tasks from your sales reps, freeing up their time to focus on selling. 

Other examples of automated marketing include:  

  • Sending cleverly timed emails based on a prospects actions / behaviours   
  • Sending cleverly timed SMS messages based on a prospects actions / behaviours  
example of email workflow in hubspot
This is an example of an email workflow. 

Single Customer View 

example of single customer view in hubspot
This is an example of a single-customer view 

HubSpot’s single customer view consolidates all your marketing and sales activities in one location, giving marketers and salespeople the ability to do everything they need to from a single portal. This has a positive impact in a few ways.  

  1. Because every marketing and sales activity is captured in the one place, it allows marketers to report on the ROI of these marketing and sales activities, giving the CEO or senior leadership a clear indication of how specific efforts are impacting the bottom line.    
  2. By having all marketing and sales activities captured in one place, teams can work collaboratively. This is especially useful for marketing and sales teams, who may sometimes be siloed and separated. HubSpot supports collaboration between marketing and sales teams. The impact here is that sales reps have more oversight over every single touchpoint that a prospect has with the company. What this means is they’re more informed and have better conversations with prospects. 
  3. Gives CEOs and senior leadership full visibility over marketing and sales, which has a myriad of positive benefits.   
  4. Gives managers the ability to view performance of sales teams and team members by viewing metrics around number of calls made, length of calls, and number of closed deals.  

Helps sales reps close more deals, impacting the bottom line 

HubSpot equips sales reps with crucial information about a prospect, helping them to focus their efforts on the most relevant leads and close more deals.  

It does this by providing them with information such as:    

  • What specific website pages a prospect has visited   
  • How many website pages a prospect visited   
  • When the prospect visited these pages   
  • What emails a prospect has opened 
  • How many emails (both 1:1 and marketing emails) a prospect has engaged with 

By understanding how prospects interact with your website and content, your sales team can utilise targeted sales techniques to expedite the closing process and drive your company’s growth. 

Helps sales reps spend more time on sales and less time on admin work 

Sales reps often find themselves balancing between active selling and administrative tasks such as following up with clients, sending emails, and SMS messages.  

With HubSpot, many of these admin tasks can be automated, thus saving significant amounts of time and enabling sales reps to focus more on selling. 

Some ways that HubSpot’s automation can take care of admin tasks include: 

  • Reminding a client about an upcoming meeting 
  • Sending follow-up emails after calls 
  • Alerting sales reps about customer actions on the website  

This efficient approach ensures that your sales reps can concentrate their efforts on what they do best — selling. 

Saves cost on other tools 

While there are numerous alternatives to HubSpot, most require a combination of different tools to accomplish the same outcomes. This need for multiple tools not only creates potential compatibility issues but can also be financially draining and technically challenging to manage. 

HubSpot’s comprehensive, all-in-one approach to marketing, sales, and CRM eliminates this need. By having everything in one place, you can save on the costs associated with multiple subscriptions. This consolidation also reduces the complexity of managing multiple platforms, leading to a more streamlined operation. 

Full visibility over your marketing and sales activities 

Full visibility over your marketing and sales activities is a crucial aspect of business growth, and HubSpot helps you achieve this. 

Having full visibility over your sales and marketing activities is all about having a clear, holistic picture around every single interaction a prospect has had with your business across both the marketing and the sales cycle from a reporting point of view.  

“It’s all about having full visibility over every interaction up until they sign that proposal or send us that cheque, it’s about saying ‘let us understand as a business how our buyer is buying so that we can support them better in the future”.  

Tasha, one of our Accredited  HubSpot Trainers.  

In other words, having full visibility means that when we gain any information from a potential customer, such as their name and email, we should be able to see all of the following at different stages of the funnel.  

Let’s get more specific about what you can achieve when you have full visibility.  

At the top of funnel, we should:

  • Know where they came from and how they found us (something called the ‘original source’, which we will dive deep into a little later in this article)  
  • Be aware of exactly what pieces of content they have consumed from us (such as blog articles, videos, social media posts and ads)  
  • Be aware of the level of engagement any single prospect is having with our content through having visibility around metrics such as bounce rate. This helps us differentiate between prospects, allowing us to spend more of our precious time on engaging those who are more likely to buy.   

This is the sort of visibility we should be able to achieve at the middle of the funnel.

At the middle of the funnel, we should:   

  • Know what emails our sales team has sent to prospects and who sent those emails  
  • Know what event invitations have been sent to prospects  
  • Have clarity on how each prospect is interacting with these things (for example, are they opening the email, are they clicking links in the email, and so on).   
deal forecast page
These are some of the metrics we should be able to see at the bottom of the funnel.   

At the bottom of the funnel, we should:   

  • Know whether or not our sales team is trying to make contact with the prospect,  what method of communication they’re using, whether contact has been made, and how often.   
  • Know exactly what we did when we communicated with prospects. For example, did we call them, and if so, what did we call them about? What was said, and how did the call go?   
  • See when a prospect moves from being a prospect to being a customer.   

When you have full visibility, you have full control. It becomes mind-blowingly powerful, because you can see which specific actions led to success, and you can double down on those.  

For example, you might see that a prospect who has just become a customer read one specific blog article before the sales call that they converted on, and that the very first thing they interacted with was a specific ad from Facebook. In this case, you can attribute the revenue to these different pieces of content, and by doing so you can focus on the things that generate more revenue and speed up the growth of your business.  

sample report on website generation
A sample report that shows resource pages on our RedPandas website generating more than $30,000. This is the level of data you need to be able to see.  

So, what’s next? 

Choosing HubSpot isn’t about just adopting a new tool—it’s about making a strategic decision to transform your business. It’s about enabling your marketing and sales teams to perform at their best, streamlining your operations, and making data-driven decisions. 

In a world where efficiency, growth, and customer-centricity are vital, HubSpot provides the ideal platform to manage your marketing and sales operations. By bringing everything under one umbrella, it makes every aspect of the process more manageable, more visible, and more effective. 

To truly understand the potential of HubSpot for your business, reach out to us here. Our team of experts are always ready to guide you through the intricacies of HubSpot and how it can set your business on the path to exponential growth. HubSpot isn’t just a choice—it’s a game-changer. 

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