Best AI Tools for E-commerce  | RedPandas Digital

Best AI Tools for E-commerce 

Running an online store can feel like a race, especially when you want to keep up with the big players or even get ahead. One thing that can give you a helping hand is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Now, AI isn’t just stuff from science fiction movies; it’s something real and something that can really help your online store do better. AI can help in making your customers’ shopping experience feel special, and also make things easy for you behind the scenes. But there’s a catch – there are so many AI tools out there, it can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. So, what are the best AI tools for e-commerce?

Running an online store can feel like a race, especially when you want to keep up with the big players or even get ahead. One thing that can give you a helping hand is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Now, AI isn’t just stuff from science fiction movies; it’s something real and something that can really help your online store do better. AI can help in making your customers’ shopping experience feel special, and also make things easy for you behind the scenes. But there’s a catch – there are so many AI tools out there, it can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. So, what are the best AI tools for e-commerce? 

Like many others who manage e-commerce businesses, you might feel a mix of excitement and overwhelm when looking at all the AI tools available. A common thought might be, “There are so many AI tools out there, and I don’t know which ones are the right fit for my store.” Yet, the promise of how AI can help your store do better is too good to ignore.  

This is where this article comes in handy.  

We know e-commerce, and we know AI. By the end of this article, you’ll have a list of the top AI e-commerce tools that can be game-changers for your online store. 

You will learn about the magic AI can bring to your online store, get to know some of the best AI tools out there, and find out how to get them working for you.  

Benefits of AI Tools in E-commerce 

Your online store is like a big, bustling market. You have customers coming in, browsing through products, asking questions, and making purchases.  

meme about growth of e-commerce

Now, think of AI as a bunch of helpful robots that are there to lend a hand. These aren’t just any robots; they’re smart and learn from what’s happening around them to get better at helping out.  

Here are some ways these AI helpers can make a difference in your e-commerce world: 

  • Knowing Your Customers: AI can help you understand your customers better. It’s like having a friend who remembers everyone’s favourite ice cream flavour. AI tools can keep track of what your customers like, how they shop, and what they might want to buy next 
  • Making Shopping Easier: Ever wish you could have a helper who could show your customers exactly what they’re looking for? AI can do that. It can help customers find what they want quickly and even suggest other items they might like 
  • Handling Questions and Problems: Customers will have questions or run into issues. AI can be there to answer common questions, help solve problems, or even chat with customers when they need help, anytime day or night 
  • Keeping Track of the Store: With AI, it’s like having an extra pair of eyes keeping watch on how your store is doing. It can help you keep track of sales, manage your inventory, and even give you a heads up when it’s time to restock 
  • Saving Time and Money: Time is money, especially in the busy world of e-commerce. AI tools can handle routine tasks, freeing up your time so you can focus on growing your business. Plus, they can help you make smart decisions that save money in the long run 
  • Making Your Store Smarter: As AI learns from what’s happening in your store, it gets smarter. It can help you make your store a place where customers love to shop, coming back again and again 

These are just a few ways AI can add some sparkle to your e-commerce operations, making things smoother for both you and your customers.  

And the good news is, getting started with AI doesn’t have to be a big headache. In the next section, you’ll learn about some of the top AI tools that can help bring these benefits to your online store. 

Top AI Tools for E-commerce: 

The Best AI Tools for Ecommerce:  

  • Shopify AI: The Shopify app has a bunch of AI apps that plug directly into its system  
    • Key Features: Optimise SEO, reduce cart abandonment rate, and more 
    • Price: Some apps are free to use and some come with a monthly subscription. It all depends on which Shopify Apps you install 
  • Amazon Personalize: It offers its Amazon Personalize Machine Learning service through AWS.  
    • Key Features: Build smarter upsells and crossells, product discovery features, and produce recommendations for your store based on user behaviour 
    • Cost: The cost for Amazon Personalize varies depending on the amount of data you upload to Amazon Personalize. The price can vary greatly, from paying as little as $70 per month up to $4250 per month. Check out a full pricing guide here 
  • BigCommerce: Much like Shopify, BigCommerce offers AI apps that can be added to its system. Its range of AI apps can help you improve your store, personalise content, and provide recommendations  
    • Key Features: Improve your store through AI recommendations, personalise content for users and provide general recommendations to improve your conversion rate 
    • Cost: Some apps are free and some can cost up to $400, and depending on the app, you may have to pay for recurring fees as well 
  • Salesforce Einstein: This one is like having a genius friend who can help you with all sorts of things like managing customer relationships, handling your online marketing, and making your store look attractive to visitors. It’s basically an AI specifically for your Salesforce CRM 
    • Key Features: Use conversational intelligence to accelerate time to close deals, forecast sales with real time data, personalise every customer interaction with AI, product recommendations, tailored product sorting, personalised search results for users on your website, and automated data reporting through Tableau 
    • Cost: $50 per user per month. You must have Enterprise or Unlimited Editions to purchase this feature 
  • Klevu: It is an ecommerce search solution that uses machine learning to assess customer searches and deliver product recommendations 
    • Key Features: Promote produces and recommend products to users based on user behaviour on your website, AI powered ChatBot for ecommerce search, A/B testing, voice search, visual GUI editor, advanced filtering, trending or highly rated products, cross-sell products, rule-based campaigns, automated merchandising, visual merchandising and much more 
    • Cost: Three plans are available. The first plan is the Site Search Plan starting at $599/month, which includes 50k search requests and is focused on features around AI Search. The second plan is the Product Recommendations Plan starting at $399/month with 500k impressions included. This plan focuses on features that help design high-converting recommendations with AI. The third plan is the Category Merchandising Plan, which starts at $499/month and includes 250k category page views. This plan includes features related to categorising and automatically merchandising with AI.   
  • Qubit: Offers product recommendations, personalises content recommendations and product discovery, and predicts customer behaviour  
    • Key Features: 1:1 personalisation, product badging, product recommendations, merchandising, a/b testing, and social proofing 
    • Cost: There are two plans, Pro and Enterprise. However, in order to see pricing, you will need to get a quote from this page 
  • Zoovu: This is a conversational AI bot that can converse with customers using natural language as opposed to tech-heavy language. It learns based on a database of billions of buyer interactions across 500 product categories 
    • Key Features: Intelligent search, AI guided selling assistant across your website, and product configurator which produces 2D and 3D life-like experiences for your products 
    • Cost: There are three different ‘Studios’, each with a set of different available features – Conversation Studio, Configuration Studio and Search Studio. Each ‘studio’ has three plans, ‘Core’, ‘Pro’ and ‘Enterprise’. Prices for these plans aren’t visible on their website and you’ll need to request a quote on their pricing page 
  • Adobe Sensei: Understands what your customers like and helps you create content that will catch their eye. It’s like having a creative buddy who knows what will wow your customers 
    • Key Features: Predicts customer behaviour based on attributes, differences and conversion factors, delivers one-to-one customer experiences at scale, organises and manages assets for better ROI, engages audiences with custom offers, subject lines and delivery timing, helps you make edits quickly and easily across video and image, predict and forecast the impact of advertising campaigns, monitor and optimise ad delivery, create documents automatically, and more 
    • Cost: You need to contact Adobe to see pricing 
  • Algolia: It makes searching for products super-fast and easy for your customers 
    • Key Features: Ecommerce product discovery, SaaS application search, site search, digital content discovery, enterprise and workplace search  
    • Cost: There are four plans – Build (free with 10,000 search requests per month included), Grow ($0.50/1000 search requests per month), Premium, and Elevate. The Premium and Elevate plans require you to contact sales to find out pricing. Note that each plan has an increasingly higher number of features than the plan underneath it  
  • Optimizely: Want to try out different things in your store to see what works best? Optimizely is your go-to tool for testing different ideas and picking what generates more revenue 
    • Key Features: Plan, create and publish attention catching content, run experiments on your website and gain insights, and personalised ecommerce experiences 
    • Cost: Six different plans are available, all with a different range of features. To see what these plans include and their pricing, check this out 

Outside of these, there are also a bunch of SEO AI Tools and Content Marketing AI Tools which can be used to boost your store’s online presence.  

Remember, every online store is unique, just like every superhero has their style. So, it’s all about finding the AI tools that match well with your e-commerce operations.  

How to Implement AI Tools in Your Ecommerce Business: 

Now that you’ve got a glimpse of the AI tools out there, you might be wondering, “How do I get these into my online store?” Don’t fret! It’s not as tough as it sounds.  

Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you rolling: 

  • Identify Your Needs: First off, figure out what you need help with. Is it improving customer service, managing inventory, or maybe making your website look more appealing? Knowing your needs will help you pick the right AI tools 
  • Choose the Right Tools: Based on your needs, pick the tools that suit you. Remember, the fanciest tool isn’t always the best. It’s about what fits your store 
  • Get to Know the Tools: Once you’ve picked your tools, spend some time getting to know them. Check out tutorials or contact the support teams of these tools to get a good understanding 
  • Integration: Now, it’s time to integrate these tools into your platform. Most of these tools have easy-to-follow guides to help you with the integration. If you need extra help, you can get in touch with us here 
  • Test, Test, and Test: Once integrated, test the tools to see how they’re working. Are they solving the problems you identified? If not, change something and continue to test. The real results are found when small tweaks are made 

Once you follow this process, you can have AI tools zipping through tasks on your online store, making life easier for you and your customers.  

So, What’s Next? 

It’s clear that integrating AI isn’t just a fanciful idea—it’s a real, actionable step that can propel your business into a future of enhanced customer satisfaction, streamlined operations, and potentially higher sales. 

The road to AI integration may have its share of challenges, but with the right tools in your arsenal, you’re well on your way to elevating your e-commerce game.  

Our suggestion: don’t wait. AI is disrupting the market, and if you want to stay ahead, it’s important to start using AI right now – not when it’s already too late.  

Want to learn more about how AI can help you? Learn about how AI is revolutionising SEO and the best AI SEO tools to use. 

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