Best HubSpot Agencies in Sydney  | RedPandas Digital
best hubspot agencies in sydney

Best HubSpot Agencies in Sydney 

So, you’re using or are thinking about using HubSpot, and you’re looking for support from a reliable agency, but you’re wondering which agency is right for you? In this article, we’re going to review the Best HubSpot Agencies in Sydney based on our experience of being in the industry for almost 10 years (and don’t worry, we won’t be including ourselves, so it’s completely unbiased!)

So, you’re using or are thinking about using HubSpot, and you’re looking for support from a reliable agency, but you’re wondering which agency is right for you?

In this article, we’re going to review the Best HubSpot Agencies in Sydney based on our experience of being in the industry for almost 10 years (and don’t worry, we won’t be including ourselves, so it’s completely unbiased!) 

When we talk about HubSpot agencies, we are referring to any agency that offers HubSpot Onboarding services as a Certified HubSpot Partner. In this article, we reviewed HubSpot agencies and came up with a list of the Best HubSpot Agencies in Sydney.  

RedPandas is proud to be a Diamond HubSpot Solutions Partner agency. These other agencies are at the top of our list in Sydney for 2022:  

For each agency, we’re going to objectively lay out the facts, tell you what we think about them, and then let you make up your mind.  

Xen Systems

Xen Systems specialise specifically in business growth via HubSpot for B2B technology companies. Xen helps companies in one of three stages:  

  1. Start: When the client is just getting started with HubSpot and needs help onboarding and implementing their processes.  
  2. Review: When the client has already had HubSpot in place for a while but feels they aren’t getting the most out of it.  
  3. Grow: When the client is ready to scale up and isn’t sure of the exact direction to take.  

Within these three stages, they offer various services. Let’s look at these.  


Xen offers only one service in their START program, which they call ‘HubSpot Ignition’. This involves a full setup and implementation of your HubSpot portal (which they do for you) and includes Zoom calls throughout the process to review goals, strategy, priorities and to train your teams.  

This process spans over a three-month period with Xen which looks something like the below image.  

hubspot ignition solution breakdown

The pricing for HubSpot Ignition ranges from $2,000 to $12,000 and depends on the HubSpot suite the client is using. You can see their pricing for HubSpot Ignition below.  

price breakdown of hubspot ignition


Xen offers two services under their REVIEW tier:  

  • HubSpot QuickCheck
  • HubSpot HealthCheck

The HubSpot QuickCheck is where the Xen team reviews your HubSpot portal to ensure its following best practice, and they provide you with actionable insights to improve your HubSpot portal. They price this service at $600 and suggest this service for mid to large companies with a 6 month+ old HubSpot portal.  

Their HubSpot HealthCheck (Audit) is a more detailed audit than the QuickCheck. It includes a greater number of consultancy hours to review the findings and is specifically for B2B businesses who are using the Pro or Enterprise HubSpot suite. They charge a minimum of $4000 for businesses on the Pro Suite and a minimum of $6000 for businesses on the Enterprise suite. The cost of this service will increase depending on the complexity of the client’s HubSpot portal.  


Xen offers two services in the GROW tier:  

  • HubSpot Campaign Implementation
  • HubSpot Website Development

Campaign implementation is provided to existing HubSpot customers who need assistance with the implementation of marketing campaigns. Xen focuses on generating traffic to their client’s website and converting this traffic into leads. Below we can see an overview of all the different inclusions. 

what a typical marketing campaign involves

Xen offers this service from a one-time payment of $12,000 and then they charge $6,000 for every subsequent campaign that they build.  

HubSpot website development involves building a website for the client’s business. They price this service between $15,000 to $75,000. Factors that impact complexity of the build influences the price that they charge. 

What We Think About Xen Systems 

First and foremost, we love the fact that Xen include all of their pricing on a pricing page. This is transparent and honest and we love that at RedPandas.  

But we also like Xen Systems because of their involvement in the community. They have the HubShots podcast, they blog, and produce content for their community. In the past, they’ve been joint HubSpot Community Leaders with RedPandas and have contributed to teaching and helping people in the space. Because of this, we love Xen Systems.  


Synx is an inbound sales and marketing agency, focused on building results driven sales journeys and marketing for B2B companies. The main difference between Synx and other agencies on this list is that although Synx are technically a HubSpot agency, they don’t offer a standalone HubSpot service.  

In particular, Synx offers two tiers of Services:  


You can see these services on their pricing page. 


Their GROWTH packages involve 90-day cycles where they aid their clients with a combination of marketing, sales and service activities, mostly across HubSpot. They have three packages, each differing based on the number of Strategic Points included. After reviewing their website, it seems that a strategic point simply refers to a specific activity, such as a coaching call. In other words, the packages are differentiated by the amount of work they do for you.  

Below, we can see the differences between their three packages.  

growth packages breakdown


Synx also offers a wide variety of services which they call “Systems”. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of information on their website around what each of these packages include or what they’re priced at, however we can make some assumptions based on the information that they do give us.  

The main “System” solutions that they offer include:  

  • CRM + Marketing ops support: we assume that this is all about getting you set up on HubSpot so that your sales and marketing systems can work coherently.  
  • Insights + business intelligence: this seems to be about data analysis and reporting. The Synx team provide you with scorecards so that you can visualise your data and make more informed decisions.  
  • Growth Driven Design web design + development: this is a web design and development retainer service with the aim to ensure your website is providing growth month to month.  
  • CRM + marketing migrations: this is all about helping you move from one CRM platform to another platform smoothly (presumably they focus on moving clients to HubSpot, although they don’t mention this).  
  • CRM + marketing integrations: this involves helping you integrate other platforms into your CRM (again, presumably HubSpot).  
  • Martech review + audit: this is an audit where the Synx team review your technology stack and provide you with actionable insights to better utilise your technology.  

What We Think About Synx 

We personally know Synx and we are aware that they can do a great job when it comes to HubSpot projects. Overall, we like the Synx team, and we think they’re a great bunch who, like Xen, have also contributed to the community.  

However, there is a lack of clarity on their website around the services that they offer and the pricing around each of these. For someone who is already a certified HubSpot expert, these services make a lot of sense, because we can read in between the lines. On the other hand, for someone who might not be an expert, their service options may not be completely clear.  

In other words, we think Synx are a great team to work with (hence why they’re on our list), however you would need to have a discussion with them to get a deeper understanding of exactly what they offer and the differing prices.  

G2M Solutions

G2M Solutions specifically specialise in HubSpot Onboarding. G2M offer three HubSpot Onboarding packages:  

  • Basic: one-time payment priced at $4,750 
  • Quick Start: $3,950 per month for three months  
  • Impact: $3,950 per month for six months 

In each of these packages, the G2M team follow the same process, which involves:  

  • Planning: like the RedPandas Discovery Workshop, G2M run discovery sessions to discuss your internal processes, training and your customer lifecycle. The output from these sessions is a custom onboarding plan for your organisation.  
  • Configuration: this involves technical portal setup, setting up dashboards and reporting, setting up marketing, sales and service tools, and setting up automation and workflows.  
  • Training: this involves training in CRM, marketing tools, sales tools, service tools, and website CMS.  
  • Building: G2M build a live campaign for you on HubSpot.  
  • Optimising: the G2M team conduct audits of your HubSpot portal at the 3, 6 and 9 month mark to ensure it’s working correctly. Based on the audit they will provide recommendations, which you can do yourself or pay an extra fee to hire the G2M team to do for you.  
  • Integrations: G2M handles all the integrations you need when getting set up with HubSpot.  

Let’s take a look at the differences between their three onboarding packages.  

packages breakdown
inclusions in each package
This shows us exactly what is included in each package.  

The main difference between their packages is who the packages are designed for and what’s included in each package. Basically, the more you pay, the more you get. It’s as simple as that.  

What We Think About G2M Solutions 

What we really like about G2M is that their offer is very clear and transparent on their website, and it leaves few questions remaining for the interested prospect. Seeing as G2M specialises in HubSpot Onboarding, they’re one of the best partners on this list to work with IF you’re focused on just HubSpot Onboarding.  

In saying that, G2M falls short when it comes to other offerings. Since they focus on HubSpot Onboarding, companies who are looking to migrate CRMs or who are looking to optimise their already existing HubSpot portal might find a more suitable partner elsewhere. On top of this, since G2M doesn’t offer other marketing services, such as paid media for example, they may not be the best option for businesses looking for more than just HubSpot Onboarding.  

Overall, G2M are a great choice for HubSpot Onboarding if that is your main focus.  

Search & BeFound 

Unlike G2M Solutions, Search & BeFound offer a variety of services, including:   

  • Google Ads 
  • SEO 
  • Lead Generation 
  • Website Performance 
  • Google Analytics  
  • Marketing Automation 
  • Sales Enablement 
  • HubSpot Consultancy 

When it comes to their HubSpot Consultancy service, they include all the following:  

  • Training staff on how to use HubSpot 
  • Build and configure HubSpot Marketing,  
    HubSpot Sales & Website 
  • Ongoing HubSpot optimisation and audits to ensure it stays aligned with your sales & marketing goals 
  • Monitor campaign objectives  
  • Updates and utilisation of new features 

Search & BeFound also offer a 30-minute $99 USD Marketing Support Session which is a general consultancy session with Ian Jacob, the founder of Search & BeFound. Other than this, they don’t display pricing on their website.  

What We Think About Search & BeFound 

Search & BeFound are one of our favourite partners on this list. They collaborate with Xen Systems on the HubShots podcast and contribute to the HubSpot community. We know from first-hand experience that Search & BeFound can do a great job, so we like them.  

The downside is that you won’t know the costs until you get a quote from them. This lack of clarity around what exactly is involved, and the cost breakdowns is probably the biggest downside.  

For example, we don’t get a clear indication of their HubSpot packages on their website. Do they assist in HubSpot Onboarding and Optimisation, or only Onboarding? Do they only provide audits and training, or do they also provide implementation? Lack of knowledge around these things is probably the biggest downside when it comes to Search & BeFound.  

Overall, they’re a great agency to work with if you’re willing to take the time to chat with them and learn about their costs and specific inclusions. 

Lupo Digital

Lupo Digital offer a range of services which includes:  

  • Digital Growth Strategy 
  • Marketing Campaign Execution 
  • Growth Automation Technology 
  • Website Growth-Driven Design 
  • Inbound Marketing 
  • Digital Audit 
  • CRM 
  • Sales Enablement & Alignment 
  • Inbound HubSpot Training 
  • HubSpot Integrations 

Lupo Digital does not mention pricing on their services except for Inbound HubSpot Training, which they charge at a one-off price of $2,500 + GST, which includes 10 training units across any areas of the HubSpot platform (CRM & Sales Hub, Marketing Hub, Service Hub).  

While not all these services are HubSpot based, Lupo mentions HubSpot in most of their service pages. For example, when they talk about Inbound Marketing Strategy, they mention the HubSpot Flywheel and advocate for the use of HubSpot. It’s likely that across all their services, they focus on working with clients who use HubSpot, or they sell HubSpot implementations across all their service options (although we don’t know this for sure). For example, a company looking for Marketing Campaign Execution may come to Lupo, however, Lupo may require this company to utilise HubSpot for them to be a good fit, and so their service offering may include the implementation and/or optimisation of the company’s HubSpot portal. This is what seems to be the case after reviewing Lupo, however, they may also work with clients who don’t use HubSpot, and this may not be a requirement for them.  

What We Think of Lupo Digital 

Lupo Digital is on our top list for a reason, but they are lower on the list compared to other businesses. This is because their service offerings are not clear, and we don’t really know how much they charge. It’s difficult to get an understanding of the value a company can provide when we don’t know the costs and the exact service inclusions.  

Regardless of this, Lupo Digital is a HubSpot Diamond Partner and would be a great choice for any company looking to implement HubSpot in their business.  


Neighbourhood offers services in six different areas:  

  • Marketing & Growth:  
    • Marketing Reporting 
    • Email Marketing 
    • Nurturing 
    • Marketing Automation 
    • Sales & Marketing Alignment 
    • Social Media Strategy 
    • Social Media Management 
    • Social Media Marketing 
  • Sales & CRM 
    • Sales & Marketing Alignment 
    • Sales Enablement Tool Development 
  • Websites & Integrations 
    • Website Design & Development 
    • Website Migrations 
    • Shopify setup and development 
    • eSign Document Development and Integration 
    • Website Auditing 
  • Customer Service & Ticketing 
  • SEO & Paid Media 
    • SEM Campaign Optimisation 
    • On-page Optimisation (content and technical) 
    • Blog Optimisation 
    • Keyword Research & Optimisation 
    • SEO Research & Analysis 
    • SEM Research & Analysis 
  • HubSpot Onboarding & Support 

While they don’t explicitly state on their website that they only work with clients who use HubSpot, it does seem to be the case that the majority (or perhaps all) of their clients use HubSpot. So, most of the services listed above will likely involve work within HubSpot.  

Neighbourhood do not discuss price on their website at all, so it’s difficult to get an understanding of where their ball part figures might sit. Despite this, they have a decent resources centre on their website for users to learn more about HubSpot and the different strategies and tactics that they’re using.  

What We Think About Neighbourhood 

While we don’t personally have experience in working with Neighbourhood, we think that they’d be a good brand to work with when it comes to HubSpot.  

They’ve got a great learning centre , their service offering is clear, and they’ve worked with reputable brands.  

The downside when it comes to Neighbourhood is that we don’t know how much they charge from looking at their website, so if you want to work with them, you’ll need to get a quote.  

So, Which Agency is the Best? 

RedPandas is proud to be a Diamond HubSpot Solutions Partner agency. These other agencies are at the top of our list in Sydney for 2022:  

If we had to pick our top three from this list, we’d have to go with Xen Systems, Search & Be Found and Synx.  

We’ve given you as much info as we could on the top HubSpot agencies in Sydney, but there’s one more agency we haven’t covered – that’s right, ourselves! Since this article is all about giving you an objective view of the best HubSpot agencies in Sydney, we couldn’t put ourselves on that list.  

However, if you’re interested in also learning more about what we do when it comes to HubSpot, check out some of these resources:  

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