How Much Time Commitment Is Required for the ‘They Ask, You Answer’ Coaching Program?  | RedPandas Digital
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How Much Time Commitment Is Required for the ‘They Ask, You Answer’ Coaching Program? 

You’ve likely come across the They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) coaching program, and its promise of transforming the way you approach marketing and sales has piqued your interest. Yet, amidst the bustling schedule that each day brings, you find yourself pausing before fully committing to TAYA because you’re worried about the time investment this program will require. This article will answer one question for you: How much of my week will this program demand? 

You’ve likely come across the They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) coaching program, and its promise of transforming the way you approach marketing and sales has piqued your interest. Yet, amidst the bustling schedule that each day brings, you find yourself pausing before fully committing to TAYA because you’re worried about the time investment this program will require. This article will answer one question for you: How much of my week will this program demand? 

Alongside our Partner Impact+, we’ve worked with many clients through the TAYA Coaching program with countless TAYA success stories.  

As such, we’re bringing to the table not just the theoretical framework, but real-world experience across a wide range of industries. We know how long TAYA takes to work and how much time every member of your team needs to commit to the program.  

In this article, we’ll break down time commitment for TAYA across different members of your organisation so that you have a clear picture of exactly how much time commitment is required for TAYA. 

What is the ‘They Ask, You Answer’ Coaching Program? 

They Ask You Answer (aka TAYA) is a practical framework  and sales and marketing philosophy that assumes one simple truth: if your prospect or customer asks a question, you answer, and in doing so, you will become the most trusted voice in your space and will gain more business than you ever have before.  

The TAYA Coaching Program is where a certified TAYA business (like ourselves) coach your team to implement TAYA in your business. Rather than outsourcing to an agency to do the work for you, with the TAYA Coaching Program, you’re insourcing your efforts, which can have a range of benefits.  

To learn more about the benefits of insourcing vs outsourcing, read our article on Marketing Done For You vs Marketing Done By You

Still new to TAYA? Here’s some resources to help you learn more: 

How Much Time Commitment Is Required for TAYA 

The time commitment required for every member of your team is going to be different, which include: 

  • They Ask, You Answer Leader 
  • CEO/Executive Management 
  • Marketing Director 
  • Sales Leader 
  • Content Manager 
  • Videographer 
  • HubSpot Admin 
  • Subject Matter Experts 
  • Everyone else in the organisation 

They Ask, You Answer Leader 

Total Time Commitment: 30 minutes per week for check-ins + 3 hours once a quarter for a planning session 

The They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) Leader plays a key role in your team as they help bring about the change in approach across the organisation. They make sure everyone knows what their job is in the TAYA initiative, and lead the efforts once the program is underway. While the CEO can take up this role, it can also be someone else if the CEO chooses. 

Here’s a breakdown of the time the TAYA Leader will need to commit: 

  • Weekly Executive Check-ins and 1:1 Coaching: The TAYA Leader will need to set aside 30 minutes every week for check-ins and/or one-on-one coaching sessions with the TAYA coach. These sessions are important to review how things are going, tackle any issues, and plan the next steps 
  • 90-Day Planning Session: Once every three months, there’s a longer planning session that lasts about 3 to 4 hours. In this session, the plan for the next quarter is made, making sure it lines up with what the TAYA program and your organisational goals 

The role of the TAYA Leader is especially important in the early stages of the program. Their involvement sets the right start for the program’s implementation and its success later on.  

CEO / Executive Management 

Total Time Commitment: 20 minutes per week + 3 hours once a quarter for the planning session.  

In cases where the CEO and the TAYA Leader are different individuals, the CEO also has a role to play in the They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) coaching program. While someone else might be leading the initiative, the CEO’s involvement is crucial for aligning the program’s goals with the organisation’s vision and strategies. Especially for medium-sized B2B technology companies, it’s common to have a separate TAYA Leader while the CEO maintains an oversight role. 

Here are the specific time commitments for the CEO: 

  • 90-Day Planning Sessions: It’s highly encouraged for the CEO to be part of the Quarterly Planning Sessions, at least for the first year. These sessions, lasting 3 to 4 hours each, provide an opportunity to understand the program’s progression and what success looks like. Being part of these sessions will give the CEO a solid grasp of how TAYA is being integrated into the organisation’s operations and its impact 
  • Executive Check-ins: In addition to the Quarterly Planning Sessions, a quick 20-minute check-in once a month is also recommended. These check-ins are essential for open discussions about the ongoing work, addressing any concerns, and ensuring the program is on the right track 

Marketing Director 

Total Time Commitment: 3-4 hours a quarter for the 90-day planning sessions, 1 hour per team member every quarter for Individual Scorecard Reviews, plus time taken for learning and training.  

The involvement of the Marketing Director in the They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) coaching program is quite dynamic and greatly depends on the size and structure of their marketing team. They may oversee various team members including the Content Manager, Videographer, HubSpot Admin, among others. In smaller setups, they might even wear the hat of the HubSpot Admin until the team expands. Their role is crucial in setting the right priorities for the coming 90 days, ensuring that the marketing efforts are aligned with the TAYA principles. 

Here’s a breakdown of the time commitment for the Marketing Director: 

  • 90-Day Planning Sessions: Participating in these quarterly planning sessions is essential for the Marketing Director. It’s a platform to collaborate, review past performances, and set the priorities for the next quarter. Each of these sessions lasts for about 3 to 4 hours. 
  • Individual Scorecard Reviews: On top of the planning sessions, the Marketing Director should allocate time to review the individual scorecards of the team members they manage. These reviews help in understanding the progress of each team member, addressing any challenges faced, and ensuring that everyone is on the right track. The time required is about 1 hour per team member every quarter.  
  • Self-Learning: There’s a self-learning component in the TAYA program. The time commitment for this portion would depend on the pace at which you can go through the material provided 

Summing up, the Marketing Director should set aside about 5 to 8 hours per quarter for meetings with the TAYA coach. This time commitment ensures that they are not only in tune with the overall direction of the TAYA initiative but also closely involved in the performance and development of their team members within the framework of TAYA. 

Sales Leader 

Total Time Commitment: 45 minutes per week + 3-4 hours once a quarter for the 90-day planning session + time taken for learning/training 

The They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) coaching program is designed to bring sales and marketing teams onto the same page, creating a unified approach towards achieving organisational goals.  

As a Sales Leader, your active participation is essential in various group meetings and training sessions, which will not only enhance the sales strategies but also ensure they are in sync with the marketing efforts. 

Here’s how the time commitment breaks down for the Sales Leader: 

  • Sales Coaching: Every fortnight, dedicate 30 minutes to sales coaching. This is a time to learn, refine, and discuss sales strategies within the TAYA framework, ensuring your sales team is well-equipped and aligned with the program’s principles 
  • Check-ins with TAYA Coach: Also, every fortnight, allocate 30 minutes for a check-in with the TAYA coach. These check-ins are crucial for reviewing progress, addressing any challenges, and staying on track with the program’s objectives 
  • 90-Day Planning Sessions: Participating in these quarterly planning sessions is essential for the Sales Leader once a quarter  
  • Revenue Team Meetings: These fortnightly 30 minute to 1 hour Revenue Team meetings are an avenue to ensure the sales and marketing teams are working in harmony towards common goals. It’s also a time to discuss and refine strategies based on the insights and experiences shared within the team 
  • Sales Training Sessions: Especially at the outset and towards the end of the program, there will be larger sales training sessions. The duration of these sessions may vary, but they are instrumental in ensuring the sales team is well-versed with the TAYA methodology and its application in the sales process 
  • Self-Learning: There’s a self-learning component in the TAYA program. The time commitment for this portion would depend on the pace at which you can go through the material provided 

Content Manager 

Time Commitment: The Content Manager position is a full time position, and is therefore dedicated full time to implementing TAYA.  

In the They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) coaching program, the Content Manager plays a pivotal role as they are solely dedicated to creating content that adheres to the TAYA principles.  

Initially, the focus is on crafting Big 5 articles, gradually branching out to other content types like buyer’s guides, email newsletters, and social media posts as the program progresses.  

Here’s a breakdown of the time commitments for the Content Manager: 

  • Quarterly Commitments: 
    • 90-Day Planning Sessions: 3-4 hours time commitment  
    • Content Scorecard Review: Allocate an hour every quarter for a meeting with the TAYA head coach and Marketing Director to review the Content Scorecard, ensuring that the content strategy is on track and yielding desired results 
  • Weekly & Fortnightly Commitments (note that these may change depending on your specific organisation, but this is an example of what the weekly commitments might look like): 
    • Revenue Team Meeting: Every two weeks, dedicate 45 minutes for this meeting, which includes a content brainstorming session to generate fresh ideas and ensure alignment with sales and marketing goals 
    • Content Training: For the first 9 months, allocate 30-60 minutes per week for content training. Post this period, the training transitions to 30 minutes fortnightly   
    • Self-Learning: Dedicate 30-60 minutes every week for self-learning to stay updated on the latest content strategies and TAYA methodologies 
    • Article Publishing: Spend 12-18 hours per week to publish three articles, ensuring they adhere to the TAYA principles and are optimised for SEO 
    • Reporting and Data Analysis: Dedicate an hour per week on reporting and data analysis to measure the effectiveness of your content strategy 
    • Over time, the Content Manager will also work across Social Media Management, Email Newsletter Management, Video Script Writing, and more. However, depending on your specific organisation, the timeline for this will look different 

In summary, the Content Manager’s time commitment is structured to ensure the consistent production of high-quality content while maintaining alignment with the TAYA principles and the organisational goals.  

Depending on your specific Content Manager and your organisational needs, the weekly commitments of your Content Manager might differ slightly from the above. 


Time Commitment: The Videographer position is a full time position, and is therefore dedicated full time to implementing TAYA.  

The Videographer, much like the Content Manager, is a full-time role within the They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) coaching program, solely focused on creating compelling video content. Depending on your enrolment in TAYA and your specific needs, you may or may not have a full time videographer on board.  

The time commitments are quite similar to that of the Content Manager, reflecting the structured approach of the program in ensuring consistent creation and delivery of high-quality video content.  

Below is a breakdown of the time commitments for the Videographer: 

  • Quarterly Commitments: 
    • 90-Day Planning Sessions: Allocate 3-4 hours every quarter to participate in these planning sessions 
    • Video Scorecard Review: Spend an hour every quarter in a meeting with the TAYA head coach and Marketing Director, reviewing the Video Scorecard to ensure the video strategy is on the right track and achieving the desired results 
    • Revenue Team Meeting: Every two weeks, dedicate 45 minutes for the Revenue Team Meeting 
  • Weekly Commitments: 
    • Weekly Video Production: This involves scripting (in liaison with the Content Manager), shooting, and editing video content. This will form the majority of time of the Videographer’s role 
    • Video Training: For the first 9 months, allocate 30-60 minutes per week for video training. After this period, the training transitions to 30 minutes per fortnight 
    • Self-Learning: Dedicate 30-60 minutes every week for self-learning to stay updated on the latest video creation techniques, tools, and best practices within the TAYA methodology 

In essence, the Videographer’s time commitment is designed to ensure a steady production of engaging and informative video content, adhering to the TAYA principles.  

This structured approach helps in creating a strong video content strategy that resonates with the audience and drives meaningful engagement. 

HubSpot Admin 

Time Commitment Required: 1 hour per fortnight  

The role of the HubSpot Admin within the They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) coaching program is a bit unique compared to the others. There isn’t a fixed curriculum for this position, as the training and engagement are tailored based on the specific needs arising from the priorities set in the Quarterly Planning Sessions.  

The HubSpot Admin needs to dedicate at least 1 hour every fortnight to a Scorecard Review. This is a meeting with the TAYA head coach and Marketing Director. In these sessions, you’ll ensure that the HubSpot tools are being optimally utilised to support the video content strategy and other marketing initiatives. 

The flexibility in the HubSpot Admin’s schedule allows for a customised approach, ensuring that the HubSpot tools and functionalities are well-aligned with the goals and strategies outlined in the TAYA coaching program.  

The fortnightly scorecard review helps in keeping track of the progress and making necessary adjustments to stay on course with the objectives of the TAYA program. 

Subject Matter Experts 

Time Commitment: Depending on the size of your organisation, this can range from 30-90 minutes per week. 

Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are the knowledgeable individuals in your organisation who have the answers to the questions your buyers are asking. They play a crucial role in the They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) coaching program by providing the necessary information and insights that fuel your content creation efforts.  

Whether it’s through interviews conducted by the Content Manager or being recorded on camera by the Videographer, SMEs are instrumental in generating authentic and insightful content.  

SMEs can expect to spend 20-30 minutes per interview with Content Managers where SMEs share their expertise on a particular topic. Since three articles are published a week, this means 60-90 minutes per week will be required of SMEs. If you have multiple SMEs, this time can be split between them.  

This flexible time commitment ensures that SMEs can efficiently contribute to the TAYA coaching program without disrupting their primary responsibilities, while still enabling your organisation to consistently produce valuable and insightful content. 

Everyone Else 

Time Commitment: Read one book and turn up to an annual organisational workshop lasting no more than 3 hours.  

The essence of They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) goes beyond a few designated roles; it’s a transformative initiative meant to permeate the entire organisation.  

This collective approach not only enriches the content created but also fosters a culture of transparency, helpfulness, and a customer-centric outlook. Therefore, everyone in the organisation will have to spend some time committing to the program. 

But what does this look like?  

  • Reading Material: Everyone in your organisation should read the book  ‘They Ask, You Answer’ by Marcus Sheridan. This book lays the foundation for the TAYA methodology. It’s not uncommon for individuals to revisit these books multiple times to deepen their understanding and stay aligned with the TAYA principles 
  • Kick-Off and Annual Workshops: Attendance and active participation in the Kick-Off and annual workshops are crucial for everyone in the organisation. These workshops, which can last from a half to a full day, serve as a platform for team members to immerse themselves in the TAYA methodology, brainstorm ideas, and strategise for the upcoming quarters. Learn more about what’s involved in a TAYA Workshop here 

By engaging everyone in the organisation, the TAYA coaching program becomes more than just a marketing or sales initiative. It turns into a company-wide movement that drives better communication, enhanced customer satisfaction, and ultimately, business growth. 

So, What’s Next?

The They Ask, You Answer (TAYA) coaching program is a commitment, not just of time, but of a mindset geared towards fostering a culture of transparency and helpfulness throughout your organisation.  

The details provided in this article aim to offer a realistic picture of what the time commitment looks like for each role involved in the TAYA coaching program.  

It’s essential to note that the initial stages may require a more substantial time investment, particularly in roles integral to content creation and strategy. However, as the program progresses and as the principles of TAYA become ingrained in your organisation’s culture, the time demand is likely to reduce, especially for those leadership roles. 

Now you might be interested in learning how long it takes to get short-term results with TAYA. Read our article on what short-term wins you can expect with TAYA here. 

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