How the PEP Formula Can Help You Write Killer Blog Introductions  | RedPandas Digital
How the PEP Formula Can Help You Write Killer Blog Introductions

How the PEP Formula Can Help You Write Killer Blog Introductions 

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank screen, the cursor blinking mockingly as you struggle to craft the perfect opening lines for your blog? You’re not alone. Attention spans are shorter than ever and hooking your reader from the get-go is crucial. That’s where the PEP formula comes into play. It’s a simple, yet powerful framework that can transform your introductions from lacklustre to compelling.

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank screen, the cursor blinking mockingly as you struggle to craft the perfect opening lines for your blog? You’re not alone. Attention spans are shorter than ever and hooking your reader from the get-go is crucial. That’s where the PEP formula comes into play. It’s a simple, yet powerful framework that can transform your introductions from lacklustre to compelling. 

But why should you trust this approach?  

As of this date, I’ve written over 150 blog articles at RedPandas, and as a company, we’ve generated over $130,000 from these blog articles.  

hubspot screenshot closed won revenue
As you can see, we’ve generated a significant amount of revenue just from blog articles. If you want to have visibility around how revenue is generated in your business just like the above, check out our article on how HubSpot gives you full visibility over your business. 

🔎 Read: How HubSpot Gives You Full Visibility Over Your Marketing and Sales.  

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In other words, I know how to write blog articles that not just capture your audience’s attention, but also generate real revenue for your company.  

And if you want to be an asset in your company and move up the ranks (and increase your skills as a content marketer), then you’ll want to learn to write revenue generating blog articles like this as well.  

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It all starts with the introduction, and the PEP Formula is how you’ll get there.  

What is the PEP Formula?  

The PEP formula stands for Problem, Expertise, and Promise.  

It’s not just about acknowledging your readers’ challenges; it’s about showing them you have the solution they’ve been searching for, backed by your unique insights and the promise of valuable takeaways. 

Each element of the PEP formula serves to engage your readers on a different level: emotionally through the problem, intellectually through your expertise, and motivationally through your promise.  

When combined, these elements create a powerful introduction that not only draws readers in but also sets the tone for a meaningful and impactful reading experience. 

Here’s how each component plays a crucial role in captivating your audience from the first sentence. 


The first step is to identify and articulate the problem your readers are facing. This isn’t about stating the obvious; it’s about empathising with your audience, showing them you understand their pain points on a deep level.  

When you start your introduction by highlighting a problem that resonates with your readers, you immediately grab their attention because you’re talking about what’s on their mind. 

For instance, if you’re writing a blog post about improving productivity, you might begin with a sentence that addresses a common frustration: “Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try, the to-do list never seems to get any shorter?”  

This instantly connects with readers who are struggling with productivity, making them feel seen and understood.


After laying out the problem, it’s time to subtly introduce your expertise. This doesn’t mean bragging about your accomplishments; rather, it’s about giving your readers confidence that you’re qualified to help them solve their problem.  

You can do this by briefly mentioning your experience, sharing a quick insight, or even stating that you’ve faced and overcome a similar challenge yourself.  

This part of the formula is crucial because it builds trust. And trust is the secret ingredient to generating revenue.  

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By demonstrating that you have the knowledge or experience to address their problem, you’re positioning yourself as an authority on the subject, which makes readers more inclined to listen to what you have to say. 

Take this article for example. In the introduction, the fact that our company has generated over $130k from blog articles was mentioned, and proven through a screenshot of one of our HubSpot Reports. This gives us credibility and helps us prove to you that we’re the right people to answer your question and solve your problem.  

It’s all about trust.  


Finally, the promise is where you tell your readers what they’ll gain by continuing to read.  

This is your value proposition.  

You’re not just promising to solve their problem; you’re promising to deliver this solution in a way that’s beneficial to them. Whether it’s through offering actionable tips, sharing insights, or providing a new perspective, your promise should make it clear why your article is worth their time. 

A well-crafted promise sets the stage for the rest of your content, giving readers a reason to keep going. It could be as straightforward as saying, “By the end of this article, you’ll have a toolbox of strategies to tackle your never-ending to-do list, making you more productive than ever.” 

Why Does the PEP Formula Work? 

Understanding the psychology behind reader engagement is crucial for any content creator. By understanding this, you’ll be able to better utilise this strategy and write your articles in a more engaging way.  

The PEP formula taps into fundamental aspects of human behaviour and emotional response, making it a powerful tool for connecting with your audience.  

Here’s why it works: 

  • Taps into emotional needs 
  • Establishes credibility  
  • Creates anticipation  
  • The compound effect of PEP  
  • The versatility of the PEP formula

Tapping into Emotional Needs 

Humans are emotional creatures, and our decisions are often influenced by our feelings. By starting with the Problem, the PEP formula immediately taps into the reader’s emotional state—be it frustration, curiosity, fear, or a desire for improvement.  

This emotional connection is the first step in capturing their attention, as it resonates with their current experiences and challenges. 

Establishing Credibility 

The Expertise component addresses the reader’s need for trust and credibility. In a digital world overflowing with information, readers seek content from sources that demonstrate a deep understanding of their issues and possess the knowledge to help them overcome these challenges.  

By showcasing your expertise, you’re not just saying you’re an expert; you’re proving it through empathy, understanding, and experience, which in turn fosters trust and helps your company generate more sales. 

Creating Anticipation 

Finally, the Promise part of the formula creates anticipation and gives readers a reason to continue. It’s based on the psychological principle of future pacing, where you help readers imagine the outcome of applying the knowledge or insights you’re about to share.  

This not only keeps them reading but also engages them in a way that makes the information more memorable and actionable. 

The Compound Effect of PEP 

When combined, these elements create a compound effect that is greater than the sum of its parts.  

Here’s why: 

  • Emotional Connection + Credibility = Trust: By empathising with the reader’s problem and showcasing your expertise, you’re building a foundation of trust. This trust is crucial for reader engagement, as it makes the reader more open to your message and suggestions 
  • Trust + Anticipation = Action: When readers trust you and are excited about the promise of what they’ll learn, they’re more likely to take action. This could be reading the entire article, implementing your advice, or even sharing the content with others. And sometimes, it might even mean reaching out to your company  

The Versatility of PEP 

audience, or style of writing.  

Whether you’re writing about technology, health, business strategies, or personal development, PEP can help you craft an introduction that grabs attention and doesn’t let go. 

By understanding the psychology behind the PEP formula, you’re equipped to write blog introductions that not only draw readers in but also keep them engaged throughout your article.  

Let’s look at how you can implement this now.  

How to Implement Each Part of the PEP Formula 

Crafting a killer blog introduction requires a blend of creativity, empathy, and strategy.  

Here are actionable tips for each component of the PEP formula, along with examples to illustrate how these can be adapted to various niches. 

Problem: Identify and Connect 

Pro Tip: Start by clearly identifying a common problem or pain point that your target audience experiences. Use empathetic language to describe this problem, making sure it’s specific enough that your readers can see themselves in the scenario. 

Example for a Health and Wellness Blog: 

“Feeling exhausted before the day even begins? You’re not alone. The quest for a good night’s sleep seems endless for many, turning mornings into a groggy struggle to get out of bed.” 

Expertise: Establish Trust 

Pro Tip: Briefly introduce your credentials, experience, or personal connection to the topic. This doesn’t have to be formal; a simple anecdote or a statement of understanding can be just as powerful. 

Example for a HubSpot Partner selling HubSpot services (like us): 
“After working across over 300 HubSpot portals for businesses in a range of industries and niches, we’ve come to understand the ins and outs of the software. We know what to avoid, and what little hacks you might want to keep your eye on to get the most out of your HubSpot investment.” 

Promise: Offer a Solution 

Pro Tip: Clearly outline what readers will gain by reading your article. This should be a specific benefit or piece of knowledge that addresses the problem mentioned. 

Example for a Personal Finance Blog: 
“By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear, actionable plan to finally take control of your finances, turning dread into confidence when you check your bank account.” 

Writing a Content Compass 

If you’re having trouble implementing this, there’s a handy tool you can use, called a Content Compass.  

A Content Compass can be used to plan blog articles. It helps you write the blog article with the correct tone and from the correct angle. There are four parts to a Content Compass:  

  • Who 
  • What 
  • Why 
  • How 


This section is about answering the question ‘who are you talking to and why are they coming to you with this question/problem in the moment?’ 

You want to define and document how they’re feeling about what they’re asking. By identifying their headspace and their motivations, you’ll understand exactly what to produce, how to position the content, what stories to use, and more. 

You should spend 10-15 minutes on this question alone when you first start, and once you’re used to it then you can spend 2-3 minutes on it every time. 

Below are the questions you need to answer to complete this section. 

  • Who are they? 
  • When are they asking this question and why? 
  • If they were in front of you right now, how would they be acting? 
  • These are some statements our customers might say: 
  • “I feel ____________ because ________________________.” 
  • “I feel ____________ because ________________________.” 
  • “I feel ____________ because ________________________.” 
  • Based on their answers, what do they need from you emotionally? 


This is all about answering ‘What does this person want to know from you?’ 

The best way to answer this question is to imagine the WHO as a real person sitting in front of you. Listen, and imagine what they ask, what they say, and pay particular attention to their phrases and wordings. 

The output of this section should be one-sided, in the sense that it should just be a list of everything the imaginary prospect is asking and saying. 

To complete this section, answer the below questions: 

  • What are their initial questions? 
  • What are their follow-up questions, typically? 
  • What objections will they have to your answers? 
  • Finish this sentence, in their words. “Bottom line, here’s exactly what I need to know from you…” 


What we’re really answering here is “Why you? Why are you trusted as the best resource to address the answer to a specific question to them?” 

To complete this section, answer the questions below. 

  • What do you bring to the table in terms of your experience? 
  • Can you relate to how your audience is feeling? If so, why? 
  • Are there any specific anecdotes that come to mind? 
  • Bottom line, why should someone listen to you? 


You need to also plan HOW you will help your audience. Basically, your answer will help your audience. The HOW part of this guides you on what exactly you’ll be teaching and sharing with your audience. 

For this part of the process, roughly sketch out the “table of contents” of your content. Remember, it’s not a deep outline; just an overview in dot point form of the different parts of what you’ll cover and (loosely) in what order. 

Examples of the PEP In Different Niches 

The beauty of the PEP formula is its flexibility.  

Here are brief examples of how it can be tailored to different niches (obviously you would need to flesh out the ideas below to turn it into an introduction): 

  • Technology Blog:  
    • Problem: Overwhelm with tech choices 
    • Expertise: Years of reviewing gadgets 
    • Promise: Help readers find the perfect device for their needs 
  • Food Blog:  
    • Problem: Difficulty in finding healthy, tasty recipes 
    • Expertise: Culinary background and a passion for nutrition 
    • Promise: Share recipes that are both delicious and nutritious 
  • Career Coaching Blog:  
    • Problem: Navigating career transitions 
    • Expertise: Personal experience and professional expertise in career development 
    • Promise: Provide strategies for a smooth career change 

Some other tips you might want to keep in mind when implementing your PEP formula for the introduction include:  

  • Use relatable language: Speak directly to your reader’s experiences and emotions 
  • Keep it concise: Get to the point quickly to maintain the reader’s interest 
  • Be genuine: Authenticity builds trust. Share real insights and advice 
  • Incorporate storytelling: Whenever possible, use stories to make your point more compelling and memorable 

By applying these tips and adapting the PEP formula to your specific niche, you can create blog introductions that not only capture attention but also build a connection with your readers, encouraging them to engage more deeply with your content. 

So, What’s Next? 

The PEP formula is the best way to write a blog introduction that captures attention, builds trust, and ultimately generates leads and sales.  

If you want to learn how to also craft a powerful body and conclusion in your article, check out the below. 

🔎 Read: How to Write Blog Articles That Rank & Generate Leads 

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