How to Humanise Your Content with AI  | RedPandas Digital

How to Humanise Your Content with AI 

Have you ever used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help you write something for your business? It’s fast and smart, but sometimes it doesn’t sound like something a person would say. You’ve probably asked yourself, “How can I use AI and still make my writing sound like me?” So how can you add the warmth of the human touch to your writing while also using AI to make things go faster?  

Have you ever used Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help you write something for your business? It’s fast and smart, but sometimes it doesn’t sound like something a person would say. You’ve probably asked yourself, “How can I use AI and still make my writing sound like me?” So how can you add the warmth of the human touch to your writing while also using AI to make things go faster?  

You’ve probably used AI before, especially if you’re a writer.  

And if you have used AI (or at least heard of it), then ChatGPT is probably at the top of your list.  

If you’ve ever used ChatGPT and thought “this tool writes quickly, but it doesn’t sound like a real person,” or “I don’t want my writing to sound fake,” then this article is for you.  

One of the questions we get asked at our agency RedPandas Digital is: ‘Okay Luca, AI is great, but how can I use AI for content creation without it sounding like a robot wrote it?’ 

meme about not being a robot

In this article, you’ll learn how to use AI and still make your writing sound human. 

Remember, while AI is a powerful tool, it’s the human touch that makes content resonate. 

Understanding AI’s Role in Content Creation 

AI operates based on vast amounts of data and intricate algorithms. Its efficiency and speed are undeniable, allowing content creators to produce vast amounts of material in a fraction of the time it would take a human.  

You could probably write a blog article (at least a good one) in one to two hours if you really wanted to.  

But while AI can answer all of your questions and produce written text with ease, it often misses the nuances, emotions, and unique perspectives that only human writers can provide.  

This limitation isn’t a flaw but rather an inherent characteristic of machines—they process what they’re taught, without the emotional intelligence and experiential understanding that humans possess. 

This isn’t a bad thing.  

It means that Content Marketers will save time by using AI, but it also means that Content Marketers will get to focus more on what they’ve been hired for – creativity and strategy.  

As such it goes without saying that there’s an ongoing need for human oversight in content creation.  

Think of AI as a tool, a valuable assistant that can provide a solid foundation or draft. However, if you really want to touch your audience’s emotions and make an impact, you need to communicate with them as a human, not a machine.  

The magic happens when you collaborate with the AI to produce content. You need to leverage AI’s strengths and compensate for its limitations with human insight.  

Choosing the Right AI Tool 

meme about chatgpt

There are many tools available when it comes to AI. However, not all tools are created equal, and the challenge lies in selecting the one that aligns best with your needs. 

Here’s a simple three step process you can use to help you pick an AI tool: 

  1. Start by identifying the specific needs of your content strategy. Are you looking for a tool that can generate short-form content quickly, or are you more interested in long-form articles that require in-depth research? Some AI tools excel at producing concise, factual content, while others are designed to mimic human-like storytelling 
  2. Training is another crucial aspect. The best AI tools offer customisation options, allowing you to train the system to align with your brand’s unique voice and style. This training process might involve feeding the tool with samples of your previous content, setting specific guidelines, or even tweaking its algorithms. Try to pick an AI tool that allows you to train it to fit your brand voice. Remember, the goal is to have the AI tool produce content that feels authentic to your brand, not generic or robotic 
  3. Always be on the lookout for feedback and reviews from other users. Their experiences can provide valuable insights into the tool’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall reliability 

Below I’ve compiled a list of some of the Best AI Tools for 2023: 

  • ChatGPT: This can help you write blog articles, social media captions, strategies, read and organise data in table format, and more. Check out our intro to ChatGPT here  
  • Adobe Marketo Engage: This tool analyses various signals like engagement, CRM data and intent to serve up the right content at the right time to every user on your website. It can also provide content recommendations  
  • Anyword: This tool uses models like ChatGPT-3 to create content that sounds human. The biggest difference between this and ChatGPT is that Anyword uses personalised signals to determine how to improve your copy across campaigns or your website. On top of this, Anyword can be easily integrated into your various work tools, such as Notion, Canva, and ChatGPT. Think of it like an overpowered ChatGPT 
  • This tool uses AI to automatically write ad copy, social media content and website copy 
  • Descript: This tool is a video and audio editing tool, and a personal favourite. It can create voiceovers that sound human with text-to-speech technology, it can do traditional video and audio editing faster by providing a transcript of your audio, which you can then use to edit quickly. For example, rather than cutting the video in different sections like you would with traditional video editing, you can now delete words or phrases in the transcript provided and it will automatically cut those parts out. On top of this, it also has an automatic transcription feature that eliminates filler words from recordings with a single click   
  • Frase: This tool provides site visitors with answers to their questions using content from your website. It also gives you detailed analytics on which questions users are asking, and then helps you create content around those questions so you can rank higher in search engines 
  • Jasper: This tool helps you create high performing copy based on different formats, such as specific ad channel formats, landing pages, Amazon Listings etc. The cool thing about this tool is that unlike ChatGPT, you can choose what you want to create, and then the tool will change the output depending on your choice. For example, if you were to choose Facebook Ad as an option, the output Jasper would give is specific to that channel. In this way you can get really specific around what type of copy you want to make through AI.   
  • PathFactory: This tool builds personalised content journeys for each person that visits your site. It uses real data on consumption metrics on your site and uses this to guide users to the content they care about most. This ultimately helps you get more engagement and higher conversion rates 
  • Check out some of the Best SEO AI Tools to use in 2023: Apart from the above tools, there are also various AI tools you can leverage for SEO. These will ultimately help your content rank higher 

How to Humanise AI Generated Content 

People connect with stories, emotions, and experiences. When you use AI to help you produce content, you need to take a step back and ask, how can you better use stories, emotions and experiences to humanise this piece of content?

The Power of Personal Anecdotes 

One of the most effective ways to humanise AI-generated content is to infuse it with personal anecdotes and brand-specific nuances.  

For instance, if you’re a company that sells handmade crafts, you might want to weave in stories of the artisans behind the products, their inspirations, and the craftsmanship that goes into each piece. Here’s an example of a brand-specific nuance: if your brand has a playful tone, sprinkle in some light-hearted jokes or references. 

These stories and brand-specific nuances not only add a human touch but also reinforce your brand’s values and identity. 

Here’s an example of asking ChatGPT to make an introduction on an article titled ‘What is Local SEO?’ by using personal anecdotes:  

screenshot of chatgpt conversation

While it’s not perfect, it’s a good start. When you’re using AI, either add in your own personal anecdotes, or if you want to give it a shot, ask your AI to produce these for you. 

Avoid Common AI-Generated Clichés

Another strategy is to be vigilant about avoiding common AI-generated clichés.  

While AI tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated, they can sometimes fall into patterns of repetitive or generic phrasing.  

It’s essential to review and edit the content, replacing any clichéd phrases with more original and brand-specific language. 

For example, we know when we use ChatGPT, it likes to repeat the same phrases over and over.  

Here’s some of the common phrases ChatGPT produces which you might want to avoid and replace with your own brand-specific language: 

  • ChatGPT often adds “remember…” to its responses. For instance, if you ask it for medical advice, it might say something like, “remember, it’s important to consult a doctor” 
  • “It’s important to note that…” 
  • “It’s worth mentioning that…” 
  • “Let’s delve in…” 
  • “Let’s uncover…” 
  • “Enter…” (this is followed by the subject, for example, ‘Enter the 2023 Content Marketing Summit)  

Using Free AI Tools to Humanise Your AI-Generated Content (I know, ironic right?) 

There are some tools which can humanise your content for you. An example of this is Stealth Writer AI, which takes text and rewrites it to make it sound human.  

Let’s consider this text which ChatGPT produced:  

screenshot of chatgpt answer
This was produced after I asked ChatGPT ‘Can you write an introduction for the article titled ‘What is Local SEO?’ 

Now, after inputting this into Stealth Writer AI, here’s what I ended up with: 

screenshot of prompt in stealth writer ai

As you can see, this AI made some mistakes, and the entire text doesn’t necessarily sound more human. However, there are some sentences which do sound more human.  

To really find out if this works for you, test the tool and try to find other AI tools that also work to humanise content. You may discover that simply editing and adjusting the content yourself saves more time than using this method.  

In essence, while AI can be a fantastic tool to streamline the content creation process, it’s the human touch that makes content memorable and relatable.  

By blending the efficiency of AI with the warmth and authenticity of human storytelling, you can create content that connects with your audience on a deeper level. 

Ensuring Content Authenticity and Accuracy 

AI Generated Content is known for sometimes presenting incorrect or false information. 

Readers are savvy, and they can quickly discern between content that’s genuine and that which feels manufactured or inaccurate. When leveraging AI for content creation, it’s important to ensure that the information presented is both authentic to your brand and factually correct. 

Fact-checking AI-generated content 

While AI is powerful, it’s not always right.  

It’s essential to cross-check any data, statistics, or claims made by AI-generated content.  

Employing a rigorous review process, perhaps even using additional tools or human reviewers, can help catch any inadvertent errors or oversights. 

The Importance of Personal Touches and Customisation 

Beyond just facts, the tone, style, and nuances of your content should align with your brand’s identity. 

This might mean adding personal stories, customising content to reflect current events or trends relevant to your audience, or even just ensuring the language and phrasing match your brand’s voice. 

Remember, it’s these personal touches that make your content stand out and resonate with readers. 

Moreover, while AI can generate content based on data and patterns, it doesn’t inherently understand your brand’s unique voice or the subtle nuances of your industry. This is where human intervention becomes invaluable.  

By overlaying AI-generated content with insights, experiences, and the unique perspective that only humans can provide, you can use AI to make content production faster while still maintaining it’s human touch.  

Optimising AI Generated Content for SEO 

Producing content that answers buyers questions and builds trust is essential. However, it’s also important to keep in mind Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) when you publish content consistently on your website.  

After all, this is what helps your content become discoverable in the first place.  

So, how do you optimise your AI Generated Content for SEO? Well, you can tackle this in one of two ways.  

  1. You can ask the AI to produce your content while considering SEO in the first instance, so that your initial draft is already SEO optimised (to a degree) 
  2. You can ask the AI to produce your content, and then after you finish editing and finalising the draft, you can feed it back to the AI and ask it to adjust it to consider SEO 

In my personal experience as a Content Manager, I’ve discovered that the first method works better. 

When you try to use the second method, the AI tends to struggle at optimising the content for SEO, often negatively impacting the content that already exists.   

What are some of the best SEO practices we can get AI to help us with?

Best AI Practices for SEO Optimisation 

  • keywords are seamlessly integrated. These keywords should appear naturally within the content, avoiding any forced or “stuffed” placements 
  • Meta Descriptions and Titles: These are crucial for search engine rankings. AI tools can suggest meta titles and descriptions, but they should be reviewed and possibly refined to ensure they’re compelling and relevant 
  • Content Structure: Search engines favour well-structured content. This means using headers, sub-headers, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make content easily scannable. You can ask your AI to help you add extra heading tags, sub-headers or bullet points where it thinks it may improve SEO 
  • Leveraging AI Tools for SEO Insights: When it comes to SEO, don’t stop at content creation. Use tools like BrightEdge, MarketMuse and Yext to take your SEO game to the next level. On top of this, you can use ChatGPT SEO Plugins to help you take things to the next level. But what exactly can you achieve with this? You can do things like provide insights into trending topics, suggest long-tail keywords, analyse the SEO strength of your content against competitors, analyse your page speed and get personalised recommendations to improve your website speed.  
  • AI can assist in monitoring the performance of your content: By analysing metrics like bounce rate, time spent on page, and click-through rates, AI can offer suggestions for content optimisation, ensuring that your content remains relevant and continues to drive organic traffic. In this way, you can use AI not just to create content, but to improve your SEO 

While AI is revolutionising the way we create content, its true power lies in its ability to optimise that content for search engines. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your content not only resonates with readers but also ranks high on search engine results pages. 

So, what’s next? 

The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and the integration of AI into content creation is a testament to that. However, as with any tool, the key lies in how we use it.  

AI offers efficiency, scalability, and a wealth of insights, but it’s the human touch that infuses content with authenticity, emotion, and relatability. 

Embracing AI doesn’t mean sidelining human creativity.  

Instead, it’s about leveraging the best of both worlds.  

By using AI to handle the heavy lifting of content generation and optimisation, content creators can focus on what they do best: crafting compelling narratives, sharing personal anecdotes, and connecting with their audience on a deeper level. 

Want to learn more about how you can use AI to enhance your Content Marketing efforts? Check out our comprehensive guide here. 

featured image of a blog

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