How to Use AI to Close More Sales Deals  | RedPandas Digital
How to Use AI to Close More Sales Deals 

How to Use AI to Close More Sales Deals 

Have you ever wondered why some salespeople seem to close deals effortlessly while others struggle despite putting in the same effort? What if there was a way to level the playing field and give yourself an edge over the competition? The answer might lie in a tool you’ve heard a lot about but might not be using to its full potential: artificial intelligence (AI). 

Have you ever wondered why some salespeople seem to close deals effortlessly while others struggle despite putting in the same effort? What if there was a way to level the playing field and give yourself an edge over the competition? The answer might lie in a tool you’ve heard a lot about but might not be using to its full potential: artificial intelligence (AI). 

AI is revolutionising the way we approach sales, offering insights and efficiencies that were unimaginable just a few years ago.  

Imagine having an AI assistant in your virtual meetings, providing real-time feedback to refine your presentation skills.  

Think about the possibilities of AI tools that can analyse call transcripts, highlight key points, and help you craft personalised follow-up messages. 

In this article, you’ll discover how to harness the power of AI to transform your sales process. From improving your communication strategies to streamlining your workflow, AI can be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.  

By the end, you’ll understand how to use AI to sell smarter and more effectively, giving you the competitive edge you need. 

What Can AI Actually Do for Salespeople? 

AI’s capabilities are vast and varied, offering numerous ways to enhance the sales process, including: 

  • Data Analysis and Insights: AI can quickly analyse large volumes of data, identifying patterns and trends that would be impossible for a human to spot. This means you can gain deep insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and pain points, allowing you to tailor your sales approach more effectively 
  • Enhanced Communication: AI tools can provide real-time feedback during sales calls, helping you refine your presentation and communication skills. For instance, AI can alert you if you’re using too many filler words, speaking too quickly, or not making enough eye contact. This kind of feedback helps you become more persuasive and engaging 
  • Personalised Follow-Ups: By analysing call transcripts and customer interactions, AI can help you craft highly personalised follow-up emails and messages. This ensures that your communications are relevant and targeted, increasing the chances of a positive response, and it can save you time 
  • Task Automation: AI can automate routine tasks such as scheduling meetings, sending reminders, and updating CRM systems. This frees up more of your time to focus on building relationships and closing deals 

Common Objections to Using AI 

Despite its potential, AI is often met with scepticism and fear.  

There are usually a few things I hear people say, and these are my responses: 

  • AI is Too Complex: Many believe that AI is too complicated to use effectively. However, modern AI tools are designed to be user-friendly, requiring little to no technical expertise. With intuitive interfaces and clear instructions, you can start leveraging AI without needing a tech background 
  • AI Will Replace Human Jobs: There’s a fear that AI will take over jobs, but in reality, AI is more about augmentation than replacement. AI can handle repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of sales. Think of AI as an assistant that enhances your capabilities rather than a competitor. Ultimately, those who don’t embrace AI will lose their jobs as those who become skilled in using it become more valuable to organisations 
  • AI is Expensive: While some AI solutions can be pricey, there are many affordable options available. Tools like chatbots, email automation, and call analysis software often offer scalable pricing models, making them accessible to businesses of all sizes 

AI can be extremely valuable in your sales role. You just need to see it and give it a try.   

6 Best AI Tools for Sales 

Now that you understand the potential of AI in sales, let’s dive into some specific tools that can help you streamline your workflow, enhance your communication, and ultimately close more deals. 

1. Call Recording and Analysis Tools 

Gong, and Avoma are three powerful tools that can revolutionise the way you handle sales calls. 

  • Gong: This tool records and transcribes your sales calls, providing detailed analytics and insights. It can identify trends in your conversations, highlight key talking points, and suggest areas for improvement. Gong’s AI-driven feedback helps you refine your pitch, ensuring you address customer concerns more effectively 
  • Otter offers similar call recording and transcription capabilities, making it easy to review conversations and extract critical information. With Otter, you can quickly identify action items, follow-up points, and customer pain points, enabling you to craft more personalised and effective follow-up communications. 
  • Avoma: Avoma pretty much does everything the above two software do. One thing I really like about Avoma is that it lets you give scorecards to salespeople, so if you’re managing a team, you can score their calls and provide feedback directly on that video  

2. Virtual Meeting Assistants 

Tools like Virtual Sapiens and Yoodli can provide real-time feedback during your virtual meetings, helping you improve your presentation skills and engage more effectively with your prospects. 

It’s akin to having someone watching your call live and giving you feedback while you’re in the call.  

  • Virtual Sapiens: This tool monitors your virtual meetings, offering feedback on your body language, eye contact, and speaking habits. It helps you adjust your presentation style on the fly, ensuring you make a strong impression 
  • Yoodli: Yoodli goes a step further by analysing your speech patterns, identifying filler words, and assessing your pacing. It provides comprehensive reports that highlight areas for improvement, helping you become a more effective communicator 

3. Proposal and Document Review Tools 

When dealing with complex documents like requests for proposals (RFPs), AI can be a game-changer. Tools like ChatGPT can assist in reviewing, summarising, and even drafting responses. 

  • ChatGPT: This tool can analyse RFPs, identify key requirements, and help you draft tailored responses. By leveraging AI to review and refine your proposals, you can ensure that your submissions are comprehensive and aligned with the client’s needs. ChatGPT can also simulate potential interview questions based on your proposal, allowing you to prepare more effectively 

By integrating these AI tools into your sales process, you can enhance your efficiency, improve your communication, and ultimately close more deals.  

So, What’s Next? 

AI is changing and growing every day.  

There are already many tools that sales reps can use to save time, increase efficiencies and close more deals. As AI continues to progress, the use cases are only going to expand.  

The key is to get on top of it now, before it’s too late. Before it becomes too overwhelming to even get started.  

The easiest way to start is to go back through this article and pick just one of the tools I mention and start using that in your role.  

Once you do that, you might want to learn about some of the best sales enablement tools for sales reps.  

Read: The Best Sales Enablement Tools 

The Best Sales Enablement Tools

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