Is HubSpot the Best CRM for ‘They Ask, You Answer’?  | RedPandas Digital
Is HubSpot the Best CRM for ‘They Ask, You Answer’

Is HubSpot the Best CRM for ‘They Ask, You Answer’? 

So, you’re committed to the “They Ask, You Answer” strategy and want a CRM that truly supports this approach. You’ve probably been overwhelmed by the sheer number of CRM options out there. And you’ve probably heard of HubSpot. But is it best when it comes to ‘They Ask, You Answer’, and are there cheaper alternatives that will get you the same outcome? 

So, you’re committed to the “They Ask, You Answer” strategy and want a CRM that truly supports this approach. You’ve probably been overwhelmed by the sheer number of CRM options out there. And you’ve probably heard of HubSpot. But is it best when it comes to ‘They Ask, You Answer’, and are there cheaper alternatives that will get you the same outcome? 

Understanding the philosophy and framework that you want to implement is the first step.  

But without the right tools, you’re going to have a hard time.  

The thing is, before investing in a CRM, you want to make sure that you’re going to get the best bang for your buck.  

In this article, you’ll uncover whether HubSpot is best for implementing the “They Ask, You Answer” strategy. You’ll learn about its unique features, advantages, potential limitations, and whether it’s right for your business.  

By the end, you’ll have a clearer picture of whether HubSpot is the right choice for your business. 

Why HubSpot for They Ask, You Answer? 

They Ask You Answer (aka TAYA) is a practical framework and sales and marketing philosophy that assumes one simple truth: if your prospect or customer asks a question, you answer, and in doing so, you will become the most trusted voice in your space and will gain more business than you ever have before.  

The “They Ask, You Answer” strategy revolves around addressing customer questions through high-quality content.  

Here are a bunch of features in HubSpot that can be used for They Ask, You Answer:  

  • Content Hub: HubSpot’s Content Hub is designed for effortless content creation, optimisation, and tracking. For example, you can quickly produce blog posts addressing specific customer questions with integrated AI capabilities and SEO support. This ensures you’re producing content that ranks higher in search engine results in the most efficient way possible 
  • Lead Tracking and Management: HubSpot’s CRM tracks customer interactions across various touchpoints. For instance, if a customer downloads an eBook about your product, you can see this interaction and follow up with personalised content that answers their next logical questions. This visibility allows you to identify high-value leads and understand which content pieces drive the most engagement 
  • Marketing Automation: HubSpot’s marketing automation capabilities are a game-changer. You can set up workflows to nurture leads through personalised email sequences. For example, after a visitor reads a blog post about “How to choose the right CRM,” you can automatically send them additional resources that answer related questions. This ensures that no lead falls through the cracks and that your audience receives timely, relevant information, based on the blogs they’re interacting with on your website 
  • Advanced Analytics: HubSpot provides detailed analytics on content performance and customer behaviour. For instance, you can track metrics like which blog posts get the most traffic and conversions, helping you understand what topics your audience cares about. This data is invaluable for refining your content strategy, allowing you to focus on creating content that truly resonates with your audience 
  • Seamless Integration: HubSpot integrates seamlessly with a wide range of third-party tools, including email marketing services, social media platforms, and e-commerce systems. For example, integrating with your e-commerce platform lets you track how content influences sales, providing a holistic view of your marketing efforts and customer interactions. 
  • Scalability: As your business grows, HubSpot can scale with you. Starting with a free plan allows you to implement “They Ask, You Answer” with basic CRM features, and as your needs evolve, you can upgrade to plans offering advanced marketing automation and analytics. This scalability ensures that you can start with what you need and expand as your requirements evolve. 
  • User-Friendly Interface: HubSpot’s interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, even for those who aren’t tech-savvy. This ease of use means your team can quickly get up to speed and start leveraging the platform’s features without extensive training. For instance, creating a blog post that answers a customer question can be done in minutes, not hours. 
  • Content Strategy Tool: Helps you plan and organise your content around key customer questions, making it easier to implement the “They Ask, You Answer” approach systematically 
  • Podcast Tool: Simplifies podcast creation, allowing you to repurpose text content into audio formats, expanding your reach and establishing thought leadership   
  • Brand Voice: This is a feature that helps you maintain brand identity across all your content. It ensures consistency in your messaging and helps you maintain your brand identity even when using AI-generated content. This means you can produce content at scale while still sounding human 
  • Blog Post Narration: Transforms blog posts into audio, catering to the growing trend of audio content consumption and making your answers accessible to a wider audience   
  • Content Remix: Allows you to repurpose existing content into fresh formats, saving you time and resources. For instance, you can transform a well-performing blog post into an infographic or a video, providing multiple ways to engage with your audience and answer their questions comprehensively  

These are just a few of the features that can be used within HubSpot to assist when it comes to implementing They Ask, You Answer. 

Will HubSpot Be Worth It on a Lower Subscription?  

HubSpot has multiple Hubs (Sales, Marketing, Content) each with different pricing tiers and features. Understanding these tiers will help you determine which plan best suits your needs as you implement the ‘They Ask, You Answer’ strategy. 

Content Hub Plans 

table of content hub plans of RedPandas

Marketing Plans 

The Marketing Hub is best for marketing automation and email marketing, which may include email workflows, website forms, custom reporting, and more. Here’s a look at the differences between HubSpot Marketing Hub Plans:  

hubspot marketing plan pricing table

Sales Hub Plans 

The Sales Hub can be used to manage and execute all sales activities. Below you can see the differences between each Sales Hub Plan:  

hubspot sales hub plan pricing table

Free Tier 

The free tier of HubSpot provides basic CRM functionalities, making it an excellent starting point for small businesses or startups.  

With this tier, you get access to essential tools for contact management, deal tracking, and task automation. This allows you to start addressing customer questions and managing leads without any upfront investment. 

Here’s a complete list of all the features you have access to when using the free tiers:  

table of free tier features

So, Is HubSpot Worth It on a Lower Subscription?  

To answer this question, it depends on your specific needs. Review the above free tier table.  

If HubSpot makes sense for your business with just those features, then it definitely makes sense.  

However, if there’s other features which are non-negotiable, then the Free or Starter Plans might not suit your business.  

In terms of whether HubSpot can accommodate TAYA on a lower subscription, the answer is it depends. TAYA involves many moving parts when done right. The lower subscriptions of HubSpot might work when you’re starting out, but as you implement more of the methodologies behind TAYA, you may find it difficult to stay on a lower plan.  

Does HubSpot Miss Anything? 

While HubSpot is a powerful CRM with many features that support the “They Ask, You Answer” strategy, there are a few potential limitations and areas where it may fall short: 


One of the main concerns with HubSpot is the cost, especially for higher-tier plans. While the free and starter plans offer valuable features, businesses seeking more advanced capabilities will need to invest in professional or enterprise plans, which can be expensive. 

For small businesses or startups with limited budgets, the cost of upgrading to a professional plan might be prohibitive. This could limit access to advanced automation, detailed analytics, and other high-level features that are essential for scaling the “They Ask, You Answer” strategy effectively. 


While HubSpot boasts an easy to understand interface, that doesn’t mean it will be easy to utilise all of its features.  

The multitude of features HubSpot offers can be overwhelming, particularly for users who are new to CRM systems. The platform’s comprehensive tools require a learning curve, which might slow down initial implementation and usage. 

A business new to HubSpot might struggle to fully utilise the platform’s capabilities without significant time invested in training and learning. This could delay the implementation of their content strategy and reduce initial efficiency. 

Customisation Limitations 

While HubSpot offers many customisation options, there may be specific business needs that require more tailored solutions not readily available within the platform’s standard configurations. 

While we personally haven’t seen a case where this is applicable, it may be possible and is worth considering if you require a very custom solution.   

Integration Challenges 

Although HubSpot integrates with numerous third-party tools, some integrations may not be as seamless as expected. Compatibility issues or limited functionality with certain external systems can pose challenges. 

For example, if a business relies on a niche tool or custom-built software, integrating it with HubSpot might require additional development work or may not be fully supported, leading to inefficiencies or data silos. 

So, is HubSpot Right for My Business? 

HubSpot stands out as a powerful and versatile CRM, particularly well-suited for implementing the “They Ask, You Answer” strategy.  

Its comprehensive suite of tools for content management, lead tracking, marketing automation, and analytics provide a robust platform for addressing customer questions and engaging with your audience effectively. 

On the lower tiers, you can probably get a good start with implementing They Ask, You Answer, but to scale effectively, you may need to upgrade to Professional or Enterprise subscriptions.  

So – yes, HubSpot is a fantastic CRM for They Ask, You Answer, but it’s not necessarily the only option out there.  

If you’re already thinking about implementing TAYA in your business, then you might have heard of They Ask, You Answer Training and Coaching.  

But what exactly can you expect in a TAYA training program?  

Read: What Can You Expect in a They Ask, You Answer Training & Coaching Program?  

What Can You Expect in a They Ask, You Answer Training & Coaching Program?

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