Plain Text Emails vs HTML Emails: Which is Better?  | RedPandas Digital
Plain Text Emails vs HTML Emails Which is Better

Plain Text Emails vs HTML Emails: Which is Better? 

Are you using HubSpot for your email marketing campaigns and wondering whether plain text emails or HTML emails are the way to go? It’s not an easy choice to make, as each format comes with its own set of advantages and considerations. In this article, you will learn about the pros and cons of each format, allowing you to make an informed decision tailored to your specific goals and audience. 

Are you using HubSpot for your email marketing campaigns and wondering whether plain text emails or HTML emails are the way to go? It’s not an easy choice to make, as each format comes with its own set of advantages and considerations. In this article, you will learn about the pros and cons of each format, allowing you to make an informed decision tailored to your specific goals and audience. 

Pros & Cons of Plain Text Emails  

When it comes to email marketing in HubSpot, plain text emails may seem like the unassuming underdog, but they have their own set of advantages and disadvantages that can make all the difference in your campaigns.  

What is a Plain Text Email? 

A plain text email is an email message that consists solely of plain, unformatted text characters, similar to the text you might type in a basic word processor or text editor. These emails do not contain any formatting elements like images, fonts, colors, or hyperlinks. Instead, they rely on simple text characters, line breaks, and spacing to convey the message. 

Example of a plain text email:  

screenshot of plain text email

Here are some key characteristics of plain text emails: 

  • No Formatting: Plain text emails are devoid of any formatting elements, making them appear as simple, black text on a white background. There are no font styles, sizes, or colors used in these emails 
  • No Images: Plain text emails do not include images or multimedia content. Any visual elements are represented using text characters, such as ASCII art 
  • No Styling: There is no use of bold, italics, underlines, or other text styling in plain text emails. Emphasis is typically achieved through capitalisation or additional spacing 
  • Universal Compatibility: Plain text emails are universally supported by all email clients and devices. They are ideal for ensuring that the email’s content displays consistently across various platforms 
  • Low File Size: Since plain text emails lack the multimedia and formatting elements found in HTML emails, they have smaller file sizes. This can be beneficial for quick email delivery and reducing bandwidth usage 
  • Minimalist Design: Plain text emails have a minimalist design, which can make them appear more personal and less promotional. They are often associated with personal correspondence or transactional emails 

Let’s dive into what makes plain text emails tick and what might hold them back: 

The Pros of Plain Text Emails: 

  • Simplicity and Authenticity: Plain text emails are like handwritten notes in a digital world. They feel personal and genuine, which can foster a stronger connection with your recipients 
  • Faster Load Times: Since plain text emails lack complex design elements, they load quickly on various devices and email clients, ensuring a smooth user experience 
  • Higher Deliverability: Plain text emails are less likely to trigger spam filters, making them a safer choice for reaching your audience’s inbox. For example, they’re less likely to land in the Promotions folder in Gmail 
  • Focus on Content: With no distractions from flashy graphics or formatting, the focus remains squarely on your message, increasing the likelihood of engagement 

The Cons of Plain Text Emails: 

  • Limited Design Options: The simplicity of plain text emails can be a drawback if you need to convey complex information or want to include visuals to enhance your message 
  • Reduced Branding Opportunities: Customising plain text emails to align with your brand’s visual identity can be challenging compared to HTML emails 
  • Less Interactive: Elements like buttons or forms cannot be used in plain text emails, which may make your campaign less interactive 

So, when should you consider using plain text emails in HubSpot?  

They shine when you want to:  

  • Send a personal message 
  • Nurture leads 
  • Prioritise content over design 

However, if your email marketing strategy demands a visually striking presence or relies on interactivity, you might want to explore HTML emails. 

So, when should you consider using plain text emails in HubSpot?  

They shine when you want to:  

  • Send a personal message 
  • Nurture leads 
  • Prioritise content over design 

However, if your email marketing strategy demands a visually striking presence or relies on interactivity, you might want to explore HTML emails. 

The Pros & Cons of HTML Emails 

pros & cons of HTML Emails

HTML emails, known for their visually appealing designs and interactive features, have become a staple in modern email marketing, and it’s probably the type of email you’re more familiar with.  

What is an HTML Email? 

An HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) email is an email message that is formatted using HTML, a standard markup language used for creating web pages. Unlike plain text emails, which consist of unformatted text characters, HTML emails allow for the inclusion of various multimedia elements, styling, and interactivity.  


screenshot example of a HTML Email

Here are the key characteristics of HTML emails: 

  • Formatted Content: HTML emails can include formatted text with a variety of fonts, sizes, colours, and text styles (such as bold, italic, and underline). This allows for a visually appealing and customised appearance 
  • Images and Graphics: HTML emails can contain images, graphics, logos, and illustrations. These images can enhance the visual appeal of the email and provide branding opportunities 
  • Tables and Layouts: HTML allows for the creation of structured layouts using tables and div elements. This enables designers to create multi-column designs and organize content effectively 
  • CSS Styling: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can be used to apply styling to HTML emails. CSS controls the appearance of text, backgrounds, borders, and spacing, providing greater design flexibility. In other words, you can make your email look pretty  
  • Multimedia: HTML emails can include multimedia elements such as videos, audio clips, and interactive elements like forms and buttons 

HTML emails are popular for marketing and promotional purposes because they provide a visually appealing way to convey messages, showcase products or services, and encourage user engagement.  

However, it’s essential to design HTML emails carefully to ensure compatibility with various email clients and devices, as rendering may vary across different platforms. 

While HTML emails offer design flexibility and interactivity, they can also be more challenging to create than plain text emails and require testing to ensure they display correctly to a diverse audience. The choice between plain text and HTML emails depends on the goals, audience, and content of the email campaign. 

Let’s dissect the strengths and weaknesses of HTML emails in HubSpot: 

The Pros of HTML Emails: 

  • Design Flexibility: HTML emails offer boundless creative possibilities. You can incorporate images, videos, and custom layouts to craft visually stunning emails that align perfectly with your brand identity 
  • Interactivity: HTML emails can include interactive elements like clickable buttons, forms, and navigation menus, allowing recipients to engage with your content directly 
  • Enhanced Branding: With HTML emails, you have complete control over the look and feel, ensuring a consistent and branded experience for your subscribers 

The Cons of HTML Emails: 

  • Slower Load Times: Due to their rich content, HTML emails may take longer to load, potentially leading to a less seamless user experience 
  • Spam Sensitivity: Overly designed HTML emails with excessive images and links may trigger spam filters, resulting in a lower delivery rate, and therefore a lower open rate and engagement rate 
  • Incompatibility: Not all email clients or devices display HTML emails consistently, which can lead to formatting issues and affect the overall user experience 

So, when should you consider using HTML emails in HubSpot?  

They shine when you want to: 

  • Create visually captivating campaigns 
  • Provide interactive content 

However, it’s crucial to keep in mind the potential compatibility and deliverability challenges associated with HTML emails. 

Now that we’ve explored both sides of the coin, it’s time to figure out which is best for you. 

Plain Text Emails vs HTML Emails: Which Email Format Wins? 

Let’s put these two contenders in the ring and see which one comes out on top against various factors. 

1. Engagement and Personalisation: 

Plain Text Emails excel in creating a personal connection with recipients.  

They feel authentic and are less likely to be perceived as salesy. If your email marketing strategy revolves around one-to-one communication, plain text emails might win this round.  

Winner: Plain Text Emails 

2. Deliverability and Spam Avoidance: 

Plain text emails often have an advantage in terms of deliverability. They are less likely to trigger spam filters, making it more likely that your emails will reach the intended inbox. 

While HTML emails offer design flexibility, they can be more sensitive to spam filters, especially if they contain excessive images or links. Ensuring good email practices is essential to maintain high deliverability rates. 

Winner: Plain Text Emails 

3. Ease of Creation: 

Creating plain text emails is straightforward, requiring no coding skills or design expertise. You can quickly draft and send messages with minimal effort. While HTML Emails are technically more complex than Plain Text Emails, most email marketing software available makes it easy for you to create HTML Emails with drag and drop editors.  

While plain text emails are extremely easy to create, HTML Emails are just as easy with drag and drop editors, and you can achieve more complete creative control.  

Winner: HTML Emails 

So, which email format wins the battle?  

The answer isn’t one-size-fits-all.  

It depends on your specific email marketing goals, your target audience’s preferences, and the type of content you wish to deliver. 

If you want to focus on building a personal connection with your audience through authenticity and achieve a high deliverability rate, then plain text emails are the go. If you want to focus on higher click through rates on links (or buttons) in your email, and you don’t mind a lower deliverability rate, then a HTML email might be better because of interactive elements like buttons. 

So, What’s Next? 

Ultimately, the winner is the one that aligns best with your email marketing strategy and resonates with your audience. Consider A/B testing to determine which format performs better for your unique goals. 

Next, find out how to increase your sales with email autoresponders. 

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