What Short-Term Wins Can You Expect With ‘They Ask, You Answer’?  | RedPandas Digital
short term wins you can expect with taya

What Short-Term Wins Can You Expect With ‘They Ask, You Answer’? 

If you go all in with ‘They Ask, You Answer’ (TAYA), what short term wins can you expect to see in the next 90 days? TAYA is a long-term initiative and will take time for you to see peak results. But if you’re investing in TAYA, you probably want to know how TAYA will (or won’t) impact your business’ revenue in the first 90 days. 

If you go all in with ‘They Ask, You Answer’ (TAYA), what short term wins can you expect to see in the next 90 days? TAYA is a long-term initiative and will take time for you to see peak results. But if you’re investing in TAYA, you probably want to know how TAYA will (or won’t) impact your business’ revenue in the first 90 days. 

By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly what short term wins to expect with TAYA so that you can be confident in implementing it and monitoring your results in the short term to ensure you’re on the right path.  

What is ‘They Ask, You Answer’? 

they ask you answer book
They Ask You Answer (aka TAYA) is a practical framework and sales and marketing philosophy that assumes one simple truth: if your prospect or customer asks a question, you answer, and in doing so, you will become the most trusted voice in your space and will gain more business than you ever have before.  

The goal of building trust and authority in your industry is core to TAYA, and it’s based on the idea that by addressing your customers’ concerns directly and providing valuable information, you can position yourself as a helpful resource and differentiate yourself from your competitors.  

TAYA was coined by Marcus Sheridan, a digital marketing expert and entrepreneur, who used this approach to save his swimming pool business during the 2008 financial crisis. Since then, TAYA has become a strategic and systemised approach to business growth. By implementing TAYA, you’ll not only increase traffic, leads, and sales, but you’ll also become a trusted advisor in your space, which is absolutely essential if you want to build a strong relationship with your customers.  

So, what short term wins can I expect with TAYA? 

Enhanced Sales Process 

In 90 days, you can expect to see significant improvements in your sales process, with shorter sales cycles and increased close rates. 

sales meme

Core to implementing TAYA is using ‘Assignment Selling’ to increase close rates and shorten the sales cycle.   

Assignment Selling is when we assign “homework” to our prospects in the form of educational blog articles or videos anytime during the sales cycle. Assignment Selling can be implemented at various stages of the sales cycle; before the first sales call, after the first sales call, before a deal is signed, and so on.  

In the long run, you can expect:  

  • To be seen by buyers as a trusted advisor 
  • To more efficiently qualify leads 
  • Achieve higher close rates (up to 80%) 
  • Have a shorter sales cycle  

Within the first 90 days, you will be able to see some difference in one or more of these, but in particular, you’ll be able to see a shorter sales cycle.  

Organic Traffic Growth 

You’ll likely see significant organic traffic growth within 90 days.  

example graph of organic traffic growth (real results)
Here’s a snapshot of traffic growth that we’ve personally seen with the implementation of TAYA. Note this report was screenshotted in early-April 2023. 

You’ll generally see significant organic traffic growth within 90 days. But what exactly does significant growth mean?  

While every client is different and it depends on where you’re starting and how well you implement TAYA, you can expect to see your traffic double from your starting point to the end of month three in your TAYA journey.  

You should be seeing at least a 20% month-on-month average growth rate in your organic traffic. If you can’t see this, then you’re most likely not following all of the principles of TAYA.  

Increased Quantity and Quality of Leads 

lead generation meme

Towards the 90-day mark, you’ll likely see an increase in the quantity of leads that come through, and your sales team might be commenting on how more and more of the leads are qualified.  

There are some cases in which you might not see a significant increase in these areas in the first 90 days. This happens when traffic increases but you do not have conversion paths built on your website to capture leads.  

But that’s okay.  

Because once your traffic increases, then you can start adding conversion paths like lead magnets, opt-in forms, buyer guides and more to your website to increase leads.  

Either way, you’re going to see an increase in leads towards the 90 day mark or shortly after this as you implement conversion paths on your website.  

When do clients not get short term wins? 

So, what if you’ve implemented TAYA, but you haven’t seen any short term wins within 90 days? Is this even a possibility?  

Of course it’s a possibility. However, it only becomes possible when very specific conditions are met. 

Why isn’t TAYA working for me?  

If TAYA isn’t making any changes at all in your business within the first 90 days, it’s probably because of one of these things:  

  • Misaligned marketing and sales teams 
  • Assignment Selling is being under-utilised or not used at all 
  • Less than three articles per week are being produced 
  • Lack of SEO research prior to article creation 

Misaligned marketing and sales teams 

Misaligned marketing and sales teams are like two people rowing in opposite directions. No matter how hard they row, they won’t reach their destination.  

Similarly, if the marketing and sales teams are not working together towards the same goal, even the most well-crafted TAYA strategy won’t lead to success. Content that doesn’t aid the sales process will be produced and sales reps won’t work with marketing to increase revenue.  

Solution? Get your two teams aligned by forming a Revenue Team and holding a regular Revenue Team Meeting. If you’re really having trouble with this, we can help you with a TAYA Workshop, where the main objective is to get your teams aligned.  

Assignment Selling is being under-utilised or not used at all 

Imagine a chef who spends hours creating a delicious meal, carefully selecting the ingredients and crafting a perfect meal. But instead of serving it to customers, they leave it in the kitchen to go cold.  

This is exactly what happens when your marketing team crafts an effective blog article that isn’t used by your sales team.  

Without using content in the sales cycle to close deals, you’ll see no real change in your sales process.  

Solution? You need to get your sales team bought-in to the idea of TAYA. Generally, if the sales team isn’t utilising content in the sales process, it’s likely due to either lack of training or lack of buy-in, which ultimately leads to a disjointed marketing and sales team. We have experience in helping businesses align their marketing and sales teams, so if this is something you’re struggling with, the best solution is to get outside help. Get in contact with us here.  

Less than three articles per week are being produced 

If you’re publishing less than three articles per week on your blog then you’re probably not going to see an increase in your traffic on a month-to-month basis.  

We wrote another article on why it’s important to publish exactly three articles per week here.  

Solution? This one is really about accountability more than anything else. Why isn’t your marketing team writing three articles per week? Do they not have the resources to do so? Or are they underperforming? The solution will depend on your specific case.  

Lack of SEO research prior to article creation 

Article ideas should come from the sales team so that sales reps can effectively use Assignment Selling to increase sales close rates.  

However, if you aren’t seeing an increase in your traffic, then you probably need to focus on more top of funnel articles. To do this, you’ll need to conduct SEO research to find out which keywords you can effectively rank for.  

Solution? Use the Magic Keyword tool in SEMRush to conduct research on specific search phrases and write an article around a search phrase / topic that is high in search volume and low in competition. You should aim to write one top of funnel article like this every week.  

But wait… before you get started with TAYA 

You might be convinced that you should implement TAYA now that you know what wins you can expect in the short term, and how to prevent a lack of results with TAYA.  

But first, you’re going to want to make sure TAYA is right for you, because if it isn’t, you won’t be able to get the results you want.  

Find out here if TAYA is right for your business. 

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