Ideation, Creation & Distribution are the most important stages in the Content Marketing process. But have you ever wondered what the pro’s and agencies use? In this episode we cover 10 tools in all key 3 areas to help you achieve Content Marketing prowess!
Part 1 – Content Ideation Tools
- What is it? Content discovery tool that finds content, influencers and relationships between other content topics
- Pro-tip: push to buffer from here!
- What is it? It is a long tail keyword finder
- Keyword io is more persona aligned, it’s more directed to the types of questions they are asking themselves, friends and google
3. Google AdWords Keyword planner
- Key with keyword planner is using the right filters
- Show closely aligned on/off. With it on, 5, off? 319!
- Keywords to include “directory” for instance, gave me (2) keywords
- Date range, in our example for March 2016 says there was a 20%+ increase in search year on year.
Part 2 – Content Creation Tools
4. Copify
- What is it? Content writer sourcing, briefing and management platform
- 500 word articles from $48, 800 word articles around $64.00
- Pro tip 1: There are no shortcuts when it comes to content so you will still need to spending time on a brief and time cleaning it up.
- Pro tip 2: Go longer, there is evidence to suggest longer articles will get more shares. Not simply for being longer with more fluff but longer with more value.
- Pro tip 3: Semantic search too from an SEO perspective, longer articles will allow you to naturally cover more associated or related topics that could be a positive flag for Google and that other random one, Bing..
- Australian based article writing agency (good excuse rate for our US listeners!)
- More high touch and account management based.
- So check them out speak to Leonie and drop my name for a good offer!
- Powerful content project management tool for tracking and stakeholder management.
- Google “content calendar google docs template”
- Pro-tip: you can right-click in a cell and select insert comment and that creates a sort of flag the next user has to accept to remove
Part 3: Content Distribution
7. Outbrain
- What is it? Outbrain is like the display network but for content.
- There is very little configuration you can do apart from budget, location and tagging URLs so you see them in GA but you can split test titles which is pretty useful
- Also check out
8. Facebook Ads
- Highly overlooked. FB is getting harder to crack with all the noise on it now but it still works. If you can promote a piece of value or entertaining content it will do better than your competitors brand ads
9. Google Remarketing (via AdWords)
- The idea here is someone visits your site, they are now brand familiar and hopefully know a little bit more about what you do but say they’ve now left without converting.
- Ease them back into your brand by promoting some content. Guides and resources work very well here but a decent entertaining or valuable article good work well too.
10. SocialOomph
- What is it? Allows you to create a “content bank” and have content shared on a random rotation on an ongoing basis.
- You create a “content bucket” and upload tweets into it. Then, SocialOomph will randomly pick a piece of content from that bucket and share it according to a frequency that you define.
- You can create many different content buckets. For example, you might have one on parenting tips that shares a tip a week, you could have one for curated content, another for your created content (which you might want to push twice a week)
- This way your Twitter account will keep growing and carry on sending traffic to your site – even when you’re not actively using it.