How to Create Prompts from Scratch in ChatGPT  | RedPandas Digital

How to Create Prompts from Scratch in ChatGPT 

Ever heard of ChatGPT and wondered how to use it for your writing? You’re not alone. Many people, especially those who write content, are curious about it. They want to know how to start a chat with ChatGPT and get the best answers. In this article, I’ll show you how to do just that. With my experience of writing over 140 articles and using ChatGPT a lot, I’ve learned some cool tricks. So, if you’ve ever felt a bit lost or thought, “I’ve tried creating prompts before, but they didn’t yield the results I wanted,” this guide is tailor-made for you. 

Ever heard of ChatGPT and wondered how to use it for your writing? You’re not alone. Many people, especially those who write content, are curious about it. They want to know how to start a chat with ChatGPT and get the best answers. In this article, I’ll show you how to do just that. With my experience of writing over 140 articles and using ChatGPT a lot, I’ve learned some cool tricks. So, if you’ve ever felt a bit lost or thought, “I’ve tried creating prompts before, but they didn’t yield the results I wanted,” this guide is tailor-made for you. 

How Does ChatGPT Work? 

meme about chatgpt

ChatGPT is like a super-smart chatbot. This means it can think and chat almost like a human.  

But to get the best answers from ChatGPT, you need to ask it the right way. That’s where prompts come in. 

Imagine you’re asking a friend for advice. If you’re too vague, like just saying, “I need help,” your friend might be confused. But if you’re clear and say something like, “I need help with my maths homework,” your friend knows exactly how to help.  

Prompts work the same way with ChatGPT. They guide the chat to give you the answers you’re looking for. 

Now, you might think, “Why not just use any question?”  

Well, the magic is in crafting the perfect prompt. A good prompt can make ChatGPT give really helpful and detailed answers. A not-so-good one might give you something off-topic or too short. 

In the next sections, you’ll learn how to make these perfect prompts from scratch.  

How to Create a Prompt from Scratch That Gives You the Result You Want (Even When It Hasn’t Worked for you in the Past) 

Let’s say you want to write copy for a landing page and need some help. You get ready to use ChatGPT, and you ask it to provide you with copy for your page. But the output is terrible and you realise you can’t use that for your landing page.  

So, is there a better prompt to use, and if so, how do you find out what that prompt is?  

Below is the process you want to follow to find a prompt that actually gives you the output you desire. Throughout this process, we’ll use the example of writing copy for a landing page.  

1. Ask ChatGPT to Teach You 

Ask ChatGPT to teach you how to do the task you want it to do for you.  

Here’s an example: “Can you teach me how to write high converting copy for landing pages?” 

2. Ask ChatGPT to Cover Anything It Missed 

Then ask it to teach you about anything it might have missed that you’re aware of.   

For example, if it doesn’t mention anything about different copywriting methods, you might follow up by asking it to also teach you about the different methods of copywriting that can be used.  

For example: “Can you also tell me about the different copywriting methods I could use to write copy for landing pages?” 

3. Ask ChatGPT What Information It Would Need from You to Complete the Task 

Then ask what information you would need to feed ChatGPT if you were to ask it to do this task for you. 

For example, “What information would I need to give you if I were to ask you to write copy for my landing pages?” 

4. Create Your Two Prompts 

Now in the future, when you want ChatGPT to do this task, you would feed it two prompts:  

  1. Guideline on how to do the task (this was gained in steps 1 and 2) 
  2. Asking ChatGPT to do the specific task and giving it all the info and context it requires for that task (based on step 3) 

The beauty of this is that you only need to follow steps 1-3 one time. Once you’ve got the guideline and the list of things you need to provide ChatGPT, you’re pretty much set to re-use them over and over again.  

You can then use this four-step process to develop prompts for any specific task.  

Using ChatGPT Plugins to Supercharge this Process 

Let’s say you need ChatGPT to do something that you’re not familiar with. You can use plugins to your advantage here when developing a prompt for that specific task.  

Plugins are add-ons you can use with ChatGPT to make it more powerful than it already is. For example, you probably already know that ChatGPT can only access data up to September 2021. However, with the Scraper plugin, ChatGPT can access websites from later than 2021 (provided you give ChatGPT theURL links).  

So, if you’re not sure how to do a specific task and you want to develop a strong and accurate prompt for that task, you can first research what that task involves, and then feed that information to ChatGPT when asking for guidelines.  

For example, in step 1, rather than simply asking ChatGPT to teach you, it might be better to say: “Can you teach me how to do [insert task here]? Please go through the below websites and use these as a guide when giving me informationabout this topic: [insert urls].”  

In this way, ChatGPT is now using specific information you provide it to give you an output. This means that if the nature of how a task is done changes over time, you can account for this by providing ChatGPT with up-to-date information. On top of this, if you’re not familiar with a topic, you can avoid the risk of ChatGPT giving you inaccurate information by providing it with resources that you trust.  

There are many more ways you can use plugins to develop more powerful prompts, but this is a start. Note that you need the paid version of ChatGPT to achieve this.  

Here’s a tutorial on how you can use plugins on ChatGPT:  

A Real-Life Example of Creating a Prompt from Scratch in ChatGPT  

The sequence you can use to create a ChatGPT prompt from scratch is this:  

  1. Guideline on How to Do the Task: This involves providing a brief overview or step-by-step guide on the task at hand. For instance, when crafting ad copy, the guideline would touch upon understanding the audience, crafting attention-grabbing headlines, and more 
  2. Specific Task with Context: This is where you ask ChatGPT to perform the specific task, ensuring you provide all the necessary information and context. For example, if you ask ChatGPT to write ad copy for Facebook, you should include details about the brand, product, target audience, ad objectives, and any other relevant information 

Using this structure, you can effectively “teach” ChatGPT in the initial prompt, and then in the second prompt ensure that the AI understands the context and delivers the desired output. This is what I’ve found to be the best way to provide prompts to ChatGPT for any task: guidelines in the first prompt, context and asking it to do the task in the second prompt.  

But to get those guidelines in the first place, you need to first ask ChatGPT to teach you and then ask it what it needs from you if it were going to do the task for you.  

By following this iterative process, you can craft prompts that are tailored, effective, and yield the best results from ChatGPT. 

Here’s a real-life example of using ChatGPT to develop a prompt for writing Facebook and Instagram Ads. 

Let’s take a look at an example of these two prompts below, using the example of writing copy for Facebook and Instagram Ads.  

Prompt 1 

I want you to write copy for Facebook & Instagram Ads. Below is some learning that I want to provide you with. Please read over this and acknowledge that you understand so that I can proceed. 

1. Know Your Audience: 

Demographics: Age, gender, location, etc. 

Psychographics: Interests, values, behaviours, etc. 

Pain Points: What problems does your product or service solve for them? 

Motivations: Why would they want to buy or engage? 

2. Headlines That Grab Attention: 

Keep them short and punchy. 

Ask a question or make a bold statement. 

Use numbers or statistics if applicable (e.g., “Join 5,000+ happy customers!”). 

3. Benefit-Focused Copy: 

Don’t just list features; emphasize the benefits. For instance, instead of saying “Our shoes have memory foam”, say “Walk on clouds with our memory foam comfort”. 

Avoid jargon. Use simple, relatable language. 

4. Use Emotion: 

Emotional triggers (e.g., happiness, fear of missing out, aspiration) can be more compelling than purely logical arguments. 

Stories are an excellent way to elicit emotion. If space allows, narrate a mini-story that resonates with your audience. 

5. Clear Call to Action (CTA): 

Direct the user on what to do next (e.g., “Shop Now”, “Learn More”, “Sign Up”). 

Make it action-oriented and time-sensitive if possible (e.g., “Grab yours before they’re gone!”). 

6. Maintain Consistency: 

Ensure that your ad copy aligns with the landing page or post-click experience. A disconnect can increase bounce rates and decrease conversions. 

7. Testimonials and Social Proof: 

Use quotes from happy customers. 

Show any awards or recognitions your product/service has received. 

8. Use Urgency and Scarcity: 

Phrases like “Limited time offer”, “Only a few left”, or “Sale ends tonight” can make users act faster. 

9. Test and Iterate: 

Run A/B tests on different headlines, CTA buttons, and body copy to determine which converts the best. 

Monitor performance metrics like click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate to understand what’s working. 

10. Follow Platform Best Practices: 

Length: While Instagram might favour shorter copy, Facebook can be a bit more forgiving if you need to be descriptive. 

Imagery: Your ad copy should complement the visual. On platforms like Instagram, visuals can be as (if not more) important than the copy. 

Compliance: Ensure you adhere to the respective platform’s advertising guidelines. Some words or claims can get your ad disapproved. 

11. Proofread and Refine: 

Avoid typos, grammatical errors, or confusing sentences. 

Keep refining your copy. Even if it’s good, it can always be made better! 

Additional Tips: 

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): This is a powerful motivator. “Last chance to get 50% off” or “Sale ends in 3 hours” can encourage action. 

Solve a Problem: Present a problem and immediately offer a solution. “Tired of painful shoes? Experience comfort like never before!” 

Value Proposition: Why should someone choose you over a competitor? Highlight that. 

Creating high-converting ad copy isn’t just about being a good writer; it’s about understanding psychology, marketing principles, and your specific audience. Practice, learn from feedback, and keep refining your approach! 

There are also various styles or modes of copywriting that can be used to engage audiences on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Here are some of the most effective: 

1. Direct Response Copywriting: 

This style is all about getting an immediate response from your audience. It’s action-oriented and often used for sales promotions. Examples: 

“50% off – Today Only!” 

“Click now to claim your free trial.” 

2. Storytelling: 

Telling a brief yet compelling story can engage audiences emotionally. It can be a customer success story, how your product was born, or any other narrative that relates to your brand or product. 

“From a small garage to America’s leading tech brand. Discover our journey.” 

“Sarah used to struggle with acne until she found our all-natural solution.” 

3. Educational Copywriting: 

Educate your audience about a particular problem and then present your product or service as a solution. 

“Did you know indoor air can be 5x more polluted than outdoor air? Purify yours today.” 

“Learn how collagen can rejuvenate aging skin. Try our collagen cream.” 

4. Conversational: 

Write like you’re having a one-on-one chat with your audience. This casual tone can increase relatability. 

“Hey there, looking for the perfect summer dress? We’ve got you covered.” 

“Guess what? Your favourite sneakers are back in stock!” 

5. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): 

Create a sense of urgency and scarcity. 

“Only 10 items left in stock!” 

“Sale ends in 3 hours. Don’t miss out!” 

6. Problem-Solution: 

Identify a problem your target audience might be facing and immediately offer your product or service as the solution. 

“Tired of slow Wi-Fi? Experience lightning-fast internet with our new router.” 

7. Testimonial-Driven: 

Leverage the words of satisfied customers to build trust and credibility. 

“‘The best fitness gear I’ve ever bought!’ – Jenna” 

“Join thousands who have transformed their skin with our serum.” 

8. Value Proposition: 

Clearly communicate the unique value your product or service brings. 

“Sustainably sourced. Ethically made. Shop fashion that feels good.” 

“Experience cinema-quality sound in the comfort of your home.” 

9. Question-Based: 

Engage your audience by asking them a question. 

“Looking for an eco-friendly cleaning solution?” 

“Want to master the art of digital marketing?” 

10. Teaser: 

Create curiosity by giving a hint or partial information about something exciting. 

“Something BIG is coming your way. Stay tuned!” 

“We’ve got a sweet surprise for coffee lovers. Check it out!” 

11. Humorous or Witty: 

If it aligns with your brand voice, a touch of humour or wit can make your ad stand out and be memorable. 

“Why did the chicken join our farm? For the organic feed and spa treatments!” 

“Shoes so comfy, even your cat will be jealous.” 

When choosing a style, always consider the nature of your product, the characteristics of your target audience, and the specific goal of your ad. Sometimes, blending two or more styles can create compelling copy, but it’s essential to ensure the message remains clear and not confusing 

Prompt 2 

For the below prompt, Replace the content between the [ ] to customise your queries. 

Could you write copy for the offer titled ‘[insert product/service/offer]’? Use the below information to help you. Please provide an output for the Primary Text, the Headline, and the Description. 

1. Brand Overview: 

Brand Identity: [A brief about your company, mission, values, and unique selling propositions (USP)] 

Brand Voice: [Detail the tone and voice of your brand. For example, formal, casual, humorous, inspiring.] 

2. Product/Service Details: 

Description: [Explain your offering. Provide as much detail as possible]. 

Features and Benefits: [List the features and, more importantly, how they benefit the consumer]. 

Price & Promotions: [List any ongoing or upcoming promotions, discounts, or special offers]. 

Images/Videos: [Visual assets can help in crafting copy that complements them. You may be able to use a ChatGPT plugin to help it review certain file types]. 

3. Target Audience: 

Demographics: [Age, gender, location, occupation, etc]. 

Psychographics: [Interests, lifestyles, values, pain points, and aspirations]. 

4. Ad Objective: 

[State your primary goal. For example, brand awareness, website clicks, conversions, lead generation, etc]. 

5. Call-to-Action (CTA): 

[State the action you want users to take after seeing your ad. For instance: Buy now, Sign up, Learn more, etc]. 

6. Platform Specifics: 

[List any particular specifications or guidelines related to the platforms you’re targeting. For instance, if it’s a carousel ad on Instagram or a video ad on Facebook]. 

7. Competitor Information: 

[Details about your main competitors and what they might be doing in terms of advertising can help in differentiating your message]. 

8. Past Campaigns Data (if available): 

[Insights from previous campaigns, such as what worked, what didn’t, and key performance indicators]. 

9. Legal or Compliance Information: 

[Any claims or statements that need to be backed up or approved. Also, information on what to avoid saying due to regulations, if applicable]. 

10. Tone and Style Preferences: 

[State whether you want the ad to be humorous, emotional, factual, or inspirational. Any specific tone or style you’re aiming for should be mentioned here.] 

11. Limitations or Constraints: 

[Character limits, budget constraints, or any other specific limitations you have in mind]. 

12. Any Testimonials or Reviews: 

[Positive customer feedback can be integrated into the ad copy for authenticity]. 

So, What’s Next?  

Harnessing the power of ChatGPT for content creation can be a game-changer for marketers and content creators. By understanding how to craft effective prompts, you can guide the AI to produce content that aligns with your goals and resonates with your audience. 

If you’re interested in how to better harness the power of AI for Content Marketing beyond ChatGPT, check out this guide here. 

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