The Difference Between HubSpot Onboarding Through RedPandas vs Through HubSpot | RedPandas Digital
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The Difference Between HubSpot Onboarding Through RedPandas vs Through HubSpot

Both RedPandas and HubSpot offer assistance in getting your team set up on the HubSpot suite. In this article, we’ll delve into the main differences between onboarding through HubSpot vs onboarding through RedPandas.

Both RedPandas and HubSpot offer assistance in getting your team set up on the HubSpot suite. In this article, we’ll delve into the main differences between onboarding through HubSpot vs onboarding through RedPandas. 

If you’re reading this article I’m going to assume that:  

  1. You have bought HubSpot 
  1. You’re thinking about purchasing HubSpot for your organisation 

If you aren’t thinking about this yet, then this article probably isn’t for you. If HubSpot is something you’re interested in nonetheless, then I recommend checking out our article on What is HubSpot.  

HubSpot is an incredible tool with hundreds of features, applications and integrations BUT it can be overwhelming if it is your first time using it. This is why HubSpot makes it mandatory to purchase onboarding for its main suite, either directly through HubSpot or through a HubSpot Agency like RedPandas.  

The question is, should you onboard through HubSpot or through an agency like RedPandas?  

In this article, we’ll be covering:  

What Is HubSpot?

HubSpot is an all-in-one Marketing, Sales and CRM  powerhouse for your organisation’s activities. It allows you to:  

  • Bubble warmest leads to the top: this means it helps you differentiate between which leads are warm and ready to convert and which are not, allowing you to effectively utilise your time. It does this by giving you information such as the number of pages a lead has visited, when they visited these pages, and how they interacted with them. 
  • Automate your marketing based on user behaviour: for example, sending cleverly timed emails or SMS messages based on your contacts actions and behaviours.  
  • Do anything and everything sales and marketing: it gives you the ability to utilise email marketing, landing page development, social media publishing, blogging, reporting attribution, and sales tools. While you can achieve a similar result by using many different software, the versatility that HubSpot gives you is unmatched.  

Check out our HubSpot pricing guide here. 

What is HubSpot Onboarding? 

HubSpot Onboarding essentially involves either our team at RedPandas or HubSpot themselves to help you get set up correctly and efficiently on the software. At RedPandas, we have different packages for both setting up your HubSpot Onboarding for you and coaching you so that you can do it yourself.  

At RedPandas, there are six core execution items involves in HubSpot Onboarding: 

6 week process for onboarding

Of important note is our week one discovery workshop, where we understand your goals, your business, your goals, what success looks like, and how your sales and marketing process works. Below you can see a snippet of our agenda for a discovery workshop.   

discovery workshop example
Our Discovery Workshop is actually quite a complex process which we’ve developed over hundreds of projects to ensure a successful HubSpot Onboarding for our clients.   

Following the Workshop Week, we then focus on implementing the HubSpot Portal setup, which spans over the course of the rest of the onboarding.  

The implementation process usually involves the following execution items:   

  • HubSpot Technical Items:
    • Connect sub domain for landing pages and emails  
    • Connect email sending domain  
    • Upload logo and favicon  
    • Configure all portal settings  
    • Install HubSpot tracking on website  
    • Filter IP Addresses  
    • Add relevant paid tracking pixels: Facebook, Google, Bing  
    • Add Google Analytics ID into HubSpot portal  
    • Add Google Tag Manager into HubSpot portal 
  • HubSpot Tools:
    • Find / create a newsletter template  
    • Connect social accounts to HubSpot  
    • Forms for the website to be created in HubSpot and replace on website  
    • Confirm the different email types we will be sending  
    • Set-up auto responder contact workflows when lead completes a form  
    • Set-up internal system workflows of movement of lead status  
    • Lead status definition and mapping to lifecycle stages  
    • Implement live / ‘lag’ chat  
  • Contacts:
    • Set-up clean up list of contacts  
    • Create standard contact lists: new leads, new leads in 24 hours, dying leads  
  • Sales Enablement:
    • Sales enablement meeting  
    • Understand pipeline, identify and map deal stages  
    • Provide workshop/training on how to use HubSpot for sales  
    • Implement the approved suggestions from the sales enablement findings  
    • In-depth consulting on how reps spend their day  
    • Automating core rep and process tasks using Workflows  
    • Creation of playbooks for sales team  
    • Creation of sales content for sales team  
    • Outsourced sales development  
  • Integrations:
    • Setting up all required integrations (i.e. Eventbrite, MessageMedia, etc).   

We have different packages depending on the HubSpot subscription you choose and we offer both coaching so that you can do all of the above yourself as well as a combination of coaching and doing it for you (doing it for you means we take care of all the execution items above).  

So, this is how onboarding with HubSpot through RedPandas works, so what’s the difference between onboarding with the HubSpot software through RedPandas vs through HubSpot? 

The Differences Between HubSpot Onboarding Through RedPandas vs Through HubSpot 

The main differences between onboarding with the software through HubSpot themselves versus through RedPandas are: 

  • Level of expertise and real-world experience 
  • The number of clients a coach onboards at any one time 
  • The Process 
  • The Cost 
  • The “do it for you” option 

Level Of Expertise 

When you onboard with HubSpot, you will be assigned an Implementation Specialist who will guide you in setting up your organisation with the software. Similarly, this is the case when you onboard through RedPandas.  

The main difference is the level of expertise that the Implementation Specialist has. With HubSpot, you’re being assigned someone who knows all about the HubSpot software largely from a theoretical perspective. In our experience, we’ve found that whilst HubSpot are brilliant and do some practical work during their training, this is largely theoretical.  

In short, the Implementation Specialists that HubSpot provides generally don’t have real-world experience in using HubSpot for various organisations.  

On the other hand, a RedPandas HubSpot Specialist not only knows the ins and outs of the software but has a vast amount of real-world experience using HubSpot for clients of various industries and sizes.  

As a result of this, when you onboard through RedPandas, you’re going to naturally receive a different level of service. Our experts are able to see the path ahead for you clearly because of their experience and can use this knowledge as consideration when guiding you to get set up.  

The Number of Clients a Coach Onboards at Any One Time 

HubSpot Implementation Specialists are assigned a greater number of coaches at any one time than a RedPandas HubSpot Specialist. For example, a HubSpot Implementation Specialist may be working on 20+ client accounts at once, meaning that while they’re running your organisation through onboarding, they’re also working on 19 other client accounts.  

On the other hand, a RedPandas Coach will have far less client accounts to handle at once, which means they can spend more time focusing on your organisation’s needs. This results in more value added to your organisation during the onboarding process.  

The Process 

One of the main differences between onboarding with HubSpot through RedPandas versus through HubSpot is the difference in the process that is used and the difference in how the processes have been developed.  

From HubSpots side, their processes for onboarding have been developed through their knowledge of the system as opposed to their own use of the system with varying organisations.   

On the other hand, from RedPandas side, our processes have been developed with real world experience as the backbone, which makes it real-world fail proof.   

The Cost 

From the above, we can see that onboarding through RedPandas has more benefits than onboarding through HubSpot.Naturally, this comes at a higher price. 

For instance, onboarding through HubSpot costs a total of $4,320 for Professional Suite Onboarding and a total of $8,650 for Enterprise Suite Onboarding.  

On the other hand, RedPandas cost for the same Professional suite varies, being either $4,500 or $6,999. In the $4,500 package, we only coach while in the $6,999 package we coach, train and do the work for you. We also offer an Enterprise Suite Onboarding package where we coach and do the work for you, which cost $10.500.  

The Do It for You Option 

The other major difference between onboarding through HubSpot versus onboarding through RedPandas is that we offer packages that include do it for you services, where we do the work for you on top of coaching and training. On the other hand, HubSpot requires you to do the work while they train and coach your team. 

Which Is Right for Me? 

If you’re looking to do any of the following, then onboarding with HubSpot through an agency like RedPandas is for you:  

  • You want someone else to do the heavy lifting for you (optional) 
  • You want training and coaching from experts who use the software on businesses like yours every single day 
  • You want to work with an agency that is certified and approved as a Diamond Partner from HubSpot themselves to ensure you get top quality service.  
  • You’re happy to spend a little bit of extra money for an exponential increase in value 

If you’re looking to do any of the following, then onboarding through HubSpot is probably better for you:  

  • Cost is a major concern or worry for you 
  • You want to do all of the work yourself 
  • You have in-house staff who have an advanced level of experience setting up HubSpot already 
  • You are happy to learn the basics from a coach and learn the rest from experience over time 

Hopefully this has given you enough information to make an informed decision. If you’re still not sure, check out these articles:  

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